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Sport in our life
футбол football horse riding boxing figure skating tennis baseball [‘fu:tbo:l] horse riding [‘ho:s ‘raidiŋ] boxing [‘boksiŋ] figure skating [‘figә skietiŋ] tennis [‘tenis] baseball [‘beisbo:l] ice hockey [‘ais ‘hoki] cycling [‘saikliŋ] skiing [‘ski:iŋ] chess [‘t∫es] ice skating [ais skaitiŋ] basketball [‘ba:skitbo:l] лошадиные скачки бокс фигурное катание теннис бейсбол хоккей на льду велоспорт лыжный спорт шахматы конькобежный спорт баскетбол
Name these kinds of sport It is ….. football horse riding figure skating
Name these kinds of sport It is ... chess basketball boxing
Name these kinds of sport It is ... ice skating baseball cycling
Name these kinds of sport It is ... ice hockey tennis skiing
1.This sport is .... 2. What season is it played? 3. How many periods are in the game? 4. How many players are in a team? 5. Find words which belong to this or that kind of sport.
1.This sport is .... 2. What season is it played? 3. How many periods are in the game? 4. How many players are in a team? 5. Find words which belong to this or that kind of sport.
1.This sport is .... 2. Where are matches usually held? 3. How many periods are in the game? 4. How many players are in a team? 5. Find words which belong to this or that kind of sport.