History Word Break Down Prefixes, suffix, word root
Identifying word parts Combining vowels Used when the suffix begins with a consonant neur/o nerve plasty repair Neuroplasty NOT neurplasty Also used when combining two or more root words gastroenteritis Suffix Procedure, condition, disorder, or disease - ectomy removal - al of, or pertaining to Prefix Location, time, number, or status trans - across intra - in/within sub - less than/under Word Root Basic meaning, normally body part
Reading medical terms Start with the suffix. Define. Identify the prefix (if any). Define. In the middle find the root word(s). Define. Combine. Suffix+Prefix+Root(s) Intraneural Suffix: al = pertaining to Prefix: intra = within Root: neur = nerve
Put around the prefix. Underline the wordroot Put a around the suffix Tonsillitis Tonsillectomy Gastrosis Gastralgia Gastrodynia Gastritis Arteriomalacia Arteriosclerosis Arteriostenosis abdominocentesis Appendectomy Hemorrhage Prenatal Otorhinolaryngology Lithotomy