The Grammar – Translation Method Maysaa Abuzant
As modern languages began to replace Latin, they were taught using the same basic procedures that were used for teaching Latin. By the nineteenth century, this approach based on the study of Latin had become the standard way of studying foreign languages in schools. A typical textbook in the mid-nineteenth century consisted of chapters or lessons organized around grammar points. Each grammar point was listed, rules on its use were explained, and it was illustrated by example sentences. Thus, textbooks are codified into frozen rules of morphology and syntax to be explained, and eventually memorized.
While there are some variations, a grammar translation usually consists of the following activities: Explanation of a grammar rule with example sentences Vocabulary presented in the form of a bilingual list A reading selection, emphasizing the rule explained in 1 above and the vocab in 2. Exercises designed to provide practice on the grammar and vocab presented. Which include translation in both directions.
The main aim behind using grammar-translation is for students to be able to read and understand the target language written literature. Hence, it focused on reading and writing, while neglecting the other skills like listening and speaking Grammar-translation also aimed to help students grow intellectually; Language learning in this method is thought to be a mental exercise. grammar translation classes are designed for foreign instructions and are taught in the student’s first language. The fist language is used as a mean of acquiring the second language Grammar is taught deductively, presenting the grammar rule which is followed by examples.
vocabulary selection is based solely on the reading texts used, and words are taught through bilingual word lists, dictionary study, and memorization. GT concentrates on sentence-level practice instead of complete passages which aims to make the language learning easier. However, those sentence are usually put into question and asnwer sequences, sometimes strung together on the page as if they were from a passage.
Techniques used Translation of literary passages. Reading comprehension questions Antonyms/ synonyms Deductive application of grammatical rules Fill in the blanks Memorization (of grammar and vocabulary) Use words in sentences Composition writing