Scintilla and Horatia at home


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Presentation transcript:

Scintilla and Horatia at home Chapter One Scintilla and Horatia at home

Quintus est puer Romanus. Quintus is a Roman boy.

Quintus in Apulia habitat; Apulia est in Italia. Quintus lives in Apulia; Apulia is in Italy.

Scintilla est femina Romana; in casa laborat. Scintilla is a Roman woman; she works in the house.

Horatia puella Romana est; in casa cenat. Horatia is a Roman girl; she is eating in the house.

Grammar The verb in a Latin sentence is often at the end. Latin has no word for ‘the’ – you must supply this in your translation Latin does not always need to write down the subject, sometimes you can infer it from the verb

Grammar The present tense in Latin only has one form, laborat; English has two forms, ‘he works’ and ‘he is working’. Both are acceptable.

Sentence Structure One type of sentence is Scintilla laborat – ‘Scintilla is working’ This sentence has a subject, Scintilla, and a verb, laborat. The subject is what does the action The verb is the action

Sentence Structure Another type of sentence is Horatia est puella – ‘Horatia is a girl’ This sentence has a subject, Horatia, that is linked to a completing word, puella, with the verb, est. est is a linking verb puella is a complement