Need for Affiliation
Political psychology - Terrorism In terms of explaining reasons for which individuals join terrorist groups, motivational theories such as need for power and need for affiliation intimacy are suggested
Content theory - McClelland’s Theory of Needs David McClelland proposed a context for understanding needs in people, which holds significance in understanding motivations and behaviors. It is subdivided into three categories: the Need for Achievement, the Need for Affiliation, and the Need for Power.
Content theory - McClelland’s Theory of Needs The Need for Affiliation is the desire to be around people and be well received socially
Content theory - McClelland’s Theory of Needs A person may have the need for affiliation at the same time they have the need for power
Work motivation - Need for achievement The Need for Achievement is in many ways similar to the need for mastery and self-actualization in Maslow's hierarchy of needs and growth in the ERG theory. The achievement orientation has garnered more research interest as compared to the need for affiliation or power.
Belongingness - Psychological needs They argue that many of the human needs that have been documented, such as the needs for Need for power|power, intimacy, approval, Need for achievement|achievement and Need for affiliation|affiliation, are all driven by the need to belong
Social rejection - Need for acceptance Social psychology (psychology)|Social psychological research confirms the motivational basis of the need for acceptance. Specifically, fear of rejection leads to conformity (psychology)|conformity to peer pressure (sometimes called normative influence), and social psychology (psychology)|compliance to the demands of others. Our need for affiliation and social interaction appears to be particularly strong when we are under stress.
Rites of passage - Psychological effects Psychology experiments have also shown that initiations increase feelings of Need for affiliation|affiliation.Lodewijkx et al
Need theory - Effect on management He also believes that people with a high need for affiliation may not be good top managers but will be team players and are best suited for a cooperative work environment.
Identity formation Pieces of the person's actual identity include a sense of continuity, a sense of uniqueness from others, and a sense of need for affiliation|affiliation
Effort justification - Competing views International Journal of Psychology, Another alternative explanation is that hazing or initiation rituals increase physiological responses, which then cause an increase in Need for affiliation|affiliation among initiates.Lodewijkx, H
Dependency need - Social needs need for affiliation|Affiliation needs are people's needs to feel a sense of involvement and belonging within a social group; affiliation needs have to do more with the acceptance of behavior
Need for affiliation People with a high need for affiliation require warm interpersonal relationships and approval from those with whom they have regular contact
Need for affiliation - Situations Situations that include fear often lead people to want to be together and trigger a need for affiliation.Kassin, S., Fein, S., Markus, H
Need for affiliation - Situations By showing how frequently they obtained the presence of others when they felt that it was what they wanted at that moment it showed how strong their need for affiliation was at that particular moment
Need for affiliation - Situations Each individual desires a different amount of a need for affiliation and they desire an optimal balance of time to their self and time spent with others.Kassin, S., Fein, S., Markus, H
Initiate - Psychological Psychology experiments have also shown that initiations increase feelings of Need for affiliation|affiliation.Lodewijkx, H
Expectancy violations theory - Needs for personal space and affiliation EVT assumes that humans have two competing needs; a need for personal space, and a need for affiliation
Video game culture - LAN gaming Thus, such online communities satisfy a genuine need for affiliation with like-minded others.
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