Buddhism By Alex grade 5
What do Buddhist people believe in? Buddhists believe in Buddha. Buddha was a real person that actually walked on Earth. So he started wondering, who the real human is, who can think. So that was the moment when he decided to start the enlightenment. (Enlightenment is when a person is deep in his soul thinking the truth inside of him.)
This is how people picture Buddha today.
Who do they believe? Many people believe in Buddha as I told you before. A lot of them pray to Buddha, but Buddha never said “pray to me”. Did you know Buddhism is not actually a religion?
Why is Buddhism not a religion? Buddhism is not a religion because Buddhism is not a way to show you what to do with your life or tell you to be nice to other people and things like that. It’s just a way to be one with the energy inside you, the real human inside you; it’s a way of relaxing your body and letting only the energy come through your arteries (veins).
What did I learn about Buddhism? I learned about Buddhism, I didn’t actually know what Buddhism was - I mean I knew the word in Greek but apart from that nothing else. For example I learned that if you are a regural Buddhist you need to follow 5 rules but if you are a pro you follow 200 rules.
How can I learn more? There are different ways to learn more on Buddhism: Researching using the internet. Reading Asking friends/teachers Visiting Buddhist temples Going on guided tours Learning from museums And watching documentaries on Buddhism.
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