Welcome to Curriculum Night Please make yourself comfortable in your child’s seat. Take a moment to read your child’s letter and respond to them on the pink heart paper provided. Please make sure you visit the back table to … Conference Sign Up sheet Library Volunteer Sign Up Sheet I am glad you are here with me tonight!
Tonight’s Agenda Introduction What’s on your desk? Communication Daily/Yearly Schedule Behavior Management Homework Literacy Math Science/Social Studies Classroom Volunteers Wrap-Up
On your desk……. Welcome to Third Grade with Mrs. Stookey packet Friendship List/PTA Permission Book Report Projects Packet Paper to write your child back Curriculum Follow Up- return if needed Demographic Form – REVIEW and sign the bottom, leave on your child’s desk
Communication Monthly Class Newsletter – Hard copy or electronic copy Weekly Homework Cover Sheet Friday Calendar Conferences: Dec 4th & 5th Attendance-please notify office/pre-approve with principal E-news-sign up on school website Class Friendship List (see permission sheet) Email: stookeys@issaquah.wednet.edu belchera@issuah.wednet.edu Telephone: 425-837-7417 Website: http://connect.issaquah.wednet.edu/elementary/sunny/staff/ms_fosters_site/default.aspx
Website Survey How often do/would you check your child’s class website? Once a week Once a month Never
Student Expectations Class Rules Contract Compliment Chart Positive Incentives: Individual- Earning stickers… students earn raffle tickets for filling their charts with 20 stickers Group- Table Points Whole class- Marble jar Super Awards
Students receive warnings when they fail to meet the classroom expectations. Each warning stands for something: 1st warning= Friendly reminder 2nd warning= Warning 3rdwarning=recess and responsibility response Consequences:
Homework Philosophy: Homework is an opportunity for students to practice skills learned in class while gaining independence, self-discipline, and responsibility. *Please check over your child’s work nightly!* Contract Incentive chart for students Homework packet Reading Log 15-20 minutes/night and reading response Reading Fluency and Comprehension Daily Math practice- Home Links Weekly Spelling Writing Prompts Science/Social Studies Home connections Math games- See packet for more information on Math online. Students brought home login card on Monday EDM online and IXL
Reading 9:00-10:00 Curriculum: Making Meaning- Curriculum for teaching comprehension strategies This curriculum uses picture books to explicitly model and teach how to think about comprehension strategies. Students will then have the opportunity to practice and apply their new learning using authentic texts in individual reading, reflection and buddy work Balanced Reading: Read To, Shared Reading, Guided Reading, Independent Reading Reader’s Workshop and CAFÉ Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Word Work We will use a variety of resources to teach all of these components: Learning reading strategies and practicing through read to self and read to someone Book Reports (refer to packet) Caught’ya (vocabulary) National Geographic for Kids Individual Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessments; Reading Conferences; Just Right Books Scholastic Book Orders – Reading Response Journal Good Readers Questions- see packet Library website – search for leveled books
Writing – 10:00-11:00 Units of Study– by Lucy Calkins Writer’s Workshop Writing Process- Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Teacher Conference, Publishing Types of Text Narrative Informational Opinion “Teaching to the Writer”
Spelling Words Their Way Developmentally driven instruction approach to spelling Students are assessed and placed into a Spelling group appropriate for their developmental stage Word Study- not just memorizing words but LEARNING spelling patterns
Everyday Math Curriculum – 11:25-1:20 Adjustments this year to meet Common Core Standards: Some lessons removed to provide in depth instruction on the standards Problem solving tasks have been identified for each unit at each grade level. These tasks encourage students to solve problems with reason and precision and allow for meeting the needs of individual students. IXL (online program) adopted by the district to strengthen fluency Timed Math Facts (fluency)
Social Studies 2:00-2:45 Citizenship Native Americans Pioneers Geography
Science -2:00-2:45 Salmon Rocks and Minerals Weather Salmon- life cycle… an at home project Rocks and Minerals- 3 different types of rocks…learn about minerals and how to identify them Electricity- open and closed circuits, electricity safety, at home projectPuget Sound- a little more in-depth than first grade… review water cycle Highline Kits Local volunteers and programs… Hatchery, Kate Poaster
Health Lessons and goals include: Nutrition Exercise Mental and Emotional Health Safety Diseases Environmental Health Lessons from our Health Book Mrs. Miller discusses Heath and good habits in PE
Salmon Hatchery- September 29 Pioneer Farms- June 4 3rd Grade Field Trips Salmon Hatchery- September 29 Seattle Art Museum – December 11 Pioneer Farms- June 4
Volunteering Variety of opportunities to volunteer - in the classroom, field trips, at home projects, materials preparation A volunteer calendar will be sent home in advance for each month Volunteer packets Descriptions Sign up sheet
Thank you for coming!!!! Please Remember to: Sign up for a conference Sign up for PTA and Friendship list Complete forms and leave on your child’s desk Write a letter to your child on the stationary If you have any questions, please fill out the Follow Up Form