Welcome to Wolf Canyon Elementary Kindergarten Orientation Wednesday, July 19, 2017 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Please Take A Moment To Silence Your Phones…
Kindergarten Teaching Team Mrs. Gersten Room 505 Mrs. Snyder Room 605 Mrs. Hickman Room 606 Mrs. Yalamanchi Room 607 Mrs. Blaylock Room 608
School/Home Communications Communicate by e-mail, phone, written note or arrange a meeting before or after school. Weekly kindergarten newsletter about curriculum, announcements and events will only be posted on our Kinder Blog-https://wolfcanyonkinders.wordpress.com As a parent is is your responsibility to follow us on our blog to get the latest updates and info. Our blog is updated weekly on Sunday. Our school has a blog that has all of the most up to date info. wolfcanyontimberwolves.org Various school events throughout the year to keep your family connected!
Back to School Night Kindergarten Curriculum Program will be discussed at our mandatory “Curriculum Night” on August 17th 5:30-7:45p.m. (5:30-6:30 K-2, 6:45-7:45 3-6) 3 sessions will be done. Only parents/guardians come on this night. Please arrange for your own child care!
Arrival School starts promptly at 8:45 a.m. Students line up by their room number at the blacktop for school-wide announcements. Must enter through the courtyard at the front of the school – not through the playground (bus riders). Parents must also respect school-wide announcements and limit conversations with other parents and teachers during that time. Use of phones to take videos/photos of other children in line is not permitted. It is imperative that children line up with expected behavior in the morning…and is you must please let children know they need to have expected behavior...safety first!!! Late arrivals must pass through the office to get a “green slip” before lining up.
Dismissal Kindergarten dismisses at 3:00 p.m. – even if you have older students at school. Monday – Thursday. Friday is minimum day and dismisses at 1:30 p.m. All students must be picked up on time. Only authorized adults may pick up student (names must be listed on emergency or “green card”) In unforeseen event of late arrival, immediately contact the office and teacher or send alternate authorized adult to pick up your child. Bus riders escorted to appropriate bus. All other students are picked up by the Kindergarten playground gate closest to the parking lot. Please adhere to our safety and crosswalk rules and set the example for our kiddos. Do not walk across the street this is NOT SAFE!!!
Lunch & Snacks We are a PEANUT-FREE school! Make sure your child eats a very good breakfast. No morning snack. Lunch is at 10:30a.m- we like to call it Brunch. Students may buy lunch (parent can take check or cash directly to the cafeteria) or pay with new “on-line” service through district website (www.parentonline.net). Do NOT send in lunch money to the teacher. Please take the money either to the cafeteria during school hours. Snack is highly recommended. Only healthy snacks – no candy, soda, or sugary treats. Mark bag lunch bag with “L” and snack bag with “S” Please ensure that your child has 2 separate bags: 1 for Snack and 1 for Lunch…otherwise it is just too confusing! No microwaves or refrigeration is available.
Homework Policies Homework folders sent home on Monday (unless there is a holiday). Homework folders are property of the school and will be used for next year students. Homework returned to school the following Monday. Completion of homework is required. IMPORTANT: Check your child’s backpack daily for notes from the teacher or special school announcements.
Clothing and Personal Items Send your child to school in “play clothes” for messy art, P.E., easy access for bathroom purposes and comfort. Label all clothing with your child’s name (jackets, lunch bags, backpacks, etc.) Unmarked clothing turned into the “Lost and Found.” Unless it is your child’s turn to bring something to share - Keep toys and other personal items at home. Shoes should have Velcro or slip on – no shoe laces unless child can tie their own shoes. Shoes must be sturdy and cover whole foot (for playground safety purposes).
We Need Volunteers All parents/guardians are encouraged to volunteer; (prepare materials, assist in classroom, etc.) All volunteers must attend a volunteer orientation. Time to be announced. All volunteers must show proof of a negative TB test. Volunteers may not come until after the first 2 weeks of school. A “Room Parent” is needed for each classroom to assist the teacher in ongoing school/home communications. Please sign up with your teacher to volunteer – we especially need a “Homework Packet” Volunteer every Monday. Volunteer Orientation is July 287h At our Parent Academy Night @ 6:O0 PM. (More Info to Come…)
Illness DO NOT send your child to school when they are sick (recent fever, recent vomiting, heavy coughing, runny nose with mucus or other chronic illness (asthma attack, severe allergic reaction, etc.) Teachers will do a “health assessment” at the beginning of each day. If your child appears to be sick, we will immediately send them home. Call the Attendance Secretary in the morning every time your child must stay home at (619) 482-8877. IMPORTANT - Please inform your child’s teacher of any special medical needs: chronic or severe illness or allergy.
Encouraging Good Behavior Teachers use positive guidance techniques to encourage appropriate behavior. Students will be expected to know and follow all school/classroom rules. A “Behavior Card” will be sent home with each student every day. Color System: Blue = excellent Green = good Yellow = warning Red = serious
Birthday Policy Every child’s birthday will be recognized (unless stated otherwise by parent/guardian). Birthday Book: We suggest you donate your child’s favorite book to the class on their birthday. NO FOOD IS ALLOWED per District Wellness Policy. If you are having a party for your child at home or elsewhere – you must give an invitation to every child in the class.
Donations and Suggested Supplies List “Dime-A-Day” program – we encourage all students to bring a dime to school each day. Helps teachers to buy much-needed supplies and incidentals throughout the year (prizes and materials for special projects). A “Classroom Supplies/ Science Supply List” will be given out at Curriculum Night. Purchasing these materials will greatly help your child and teacher to have a more successful school year. Thank You!
All students and parents/guardians will make a short visit to their child’s classroom. Orientation ends at 11:00 AM. Tomorrow will be our first full day of Kindergarten – so have your child get a full night’s rest…and you too!
Thank You For Coming…