Isabelle Sourbès-Verger, CNRS 5th Manfred Lachs International Conference National Perspectives of Space Policies and Applications McGill, 6 May 2017 Space Security Awareness and Sustainable Development – a European perspective Isabelle Sourbès-Verger, CNRS y
Scientific cooperation and nuclear posture: both incentives at the origins of Space Age IGY 1957-1958: satellite as a tool for understanding the Earth environment first optical system to monitor its own satellite Spoutnik: a new threat from Space in a sensitive Cold War context Reconnaissance satellite: a tool for mapping the territory of the adversary urgent need to follow and acquire a trajectography on objects whose orbital data are unknow The necessity to track the national satellites and the other ones leads to US and Soviet surveillance systems. Even now, Europe is relying on US NORAD information through « 2 lines »
The strong relationship between space and sustainable environment Due to their external perspective, satellite have played a unique role revealing the Earth’s unique status in our Universe and its finite dimension. Since more than 50 years, space images were essential to the construction of the concept of a sustainable development from global (climate model) to local (actions against desertification...)
Apollo-8, August 23,1966 A true revolution of the Human perception of Earth seen from outside (more than above) Kaguya, April 5, 2008 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, October 12, 2015
More than 1000 active satellites in 2016 Some key areas of density: GEO (more than 30%) and specific LEO orbits Un milieu atypique hostile, sans routes, sans ports,en perpétuel mouvement, avec une dimension particulière du facteur temps Une mise en valeur inégale par pays, par missions, par orbites… 1 seul point habité perdu autour de 400 km d’altitude + Lune, ponctuellement
Sustainability and Safety concerns at the hearth of global governance issues To preserve the space environment and guarantee the use of its resources for future generations. An old story : see the 80’s - Blue Satellite and ISMA French proposal - PAXSAT-A and B Canadian Proposal - Tellus Swedish Concept New interest from public and private entities due to the democratization of space access
Space Security Awareness A fine case study of the relationships between the sustainability challenges on Earth and on Space and the need for global governance A difficult technical topic: detection, tracking and identification The large reliance on US data (2 lines), JSPOC excluding information on US military satellites A closed Russian system A growing European competence A growing Chinese and India network Towards more transparency?
SSA in Europe A growing interest for debris tracking in parallel to the European increasing occupation of space Technical means developed by the National Agencies and the ESA International initiatives linked to debris issues - 1993 InterAgency Debris Coordination Committee at the technical sub committee of COPUOS more recently a political implication of the European Union: International Code of Conduct proposal At the European level a difficult musical setting: technical and political challenges of SSA
National Space Agencies To build SSA: a complex model of governance Contradiction between sovereignty and cooperation European Union European Space Agency National Space Agencies Military means
Current available technical means in Europe
What can we learn from this? SSA is essential for space security and Earth security Threats are increasingly being recognised: natural and manmade hazards, results of deliberate aggressive actions Traffic Management rules are expected for a sustainable uses of space ressources The challenges faced by Europe are particularly informative to think the conditions of a efficient governance considering the different national priorities of various actors A global governance needs to become operational as fast as possible to respect the aims of the OST, while meeting its commitments towards a guaranteed universal use of space, indispensable for the implementation of a sustainable development Towards more transparency? SSA States sharing, commercial SSA, Russia proposal to share its data… What models? - Global Meteorological Watch? Astronomical network of professionals and amateurs? New private technologies supported by the UNOOSA ?