RCGP Speaker Slides Instructions Step 1: Find your Stream Title slide and follow the instructions. Delete the other Stream Title slides that do not apply to you. Step 2: Go to the slide titled - ' Declaration of Financial Interests or Relationships' and delete the summary that does not apply to you. Step 3: Start your presentation after the 'Declaration of Financial Interests or Relationships' slide. Step 4: Delete this slide and save file.
Forward Together [enter session ID e.g. D4] Use this box to enter your session title Long titles will span two lines Forward Together [enter session ID e.g. D4] Enter Speaker Name & Job Title
Clinical Learning [enter session ID e.g. D4] Use this box to enter your session title Long titles will span two lines Clinical Learning [enter session ID e.g. D4] Enter Speaker Name & Job Title
Healthcare Technology [enter session ID e.g. D4] Use this box to enter your session title Long titles will span two lines Healthcare Technology [enter session ID e.g. D4] Enter Speaker Name & Job Title
Research & Innovation [enter session ID e.g. D4] Use this box to enter your session title Long titles will span two lines Research & Innovation [enter session ID e.g. D4] Enter Speaker Name & Job Title
Campaigning for General Practice [ID e.g. D4] Use this box to enter your session title Long titles will span two lines Campaigning for General Practice [ID e.g. D4] Enter Speaker Name & Job Title
Health & Wellbeing [enter session ID e.g. D4] Use this box to enter your session title Long titles will span two lines Health & Wellbeing [enter session ID e.g. D4] Enter Speaker Name & Job Title
Mental Health Focus [enter session ID e.g. D4] Use this box to enter your session title Long titles will span two lines Mental Health Focus [enter session ID e.g. D4] Enter Speaker Name & Job Title
Professional Education [enter session ID e.g. D4] Use this box to enter your session title Long titles will span two lines Professional Education [enter session ID e.g. D4] Enter Speaker Name & Job Title
Career Development [enter session ID e.g. D4] Use this box to enter your session title Long titles will span two lines Career Development [enter session ID e.g. D4] Enter Speaker Name & Job Title
Supporting Doctors [enter session ID e.g. D4] Use this box to enter your session title Long titles will span two lines Supporting Doctors [enter session ID e.g. D4] Enter Speaker Name & Job Title
Declaration of Financial Interests or Relationships Please delete as appropriate: I do not have any financial interest(s) or relationship(s) to disclose with regard to the subject matter of this presentation. I have the following financial interest(s) or relationship(s) to disclose with regard to the subject matter of this presentation.