Who we are
Who we are Founded in 1987 Privately owned 100% Spanish capital 63 employees in 2014 More than 5.5M EUR turnover in 2013 Over 2000 clients in 2013 Offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Las Palmas and Tenerife
Who we are Foreign trade and customs knowledge management, general IT tools IT solutions for international transport operators Specific solutions for the Canary Islands tax regime
Our team
Our team Persons 15 Legislation analysis / Content generation / Special projects 5 Training / Courses preparation/ Institutional consulting 17 Helpdesk / Customer support 17 Software development / IT 5 Commercial / Marketing 4 Administration 63 TOTAL Persons
Our expertise: Customs and International trade
Our expertise : Customs and International trade Consultancy and legal services IT solutions implementation Training Publishing
Our expertise : Customs and International trade Consultancy and legal services Legal advise and technical assistance on trade and customs management Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) certification projects Studies and projects on international trade and customs Analysis and design of IT tools for commercial agreement negotiations
Our expertise : Customs and International trade IT solutions implementation Customs procedures and declarations ERP for logistics operators Customs warehouses management Tariff databases Trade statistics
Our expertise : Customs and International trade Training Standard. Customs procedures / Tariff Classification / Rules of origin... User-tailored. Correos (Spanish Mail Service), FedEx, Ministry of Health... Qualification training. Authorised Economic Operator...
Our expertise : Customs and International trade Publishing Printed (reference). Customs Tariff, Union Customs Code... Printed (general). Series “Claves del Comercio Exterior” – 12 titles Digital. Selected titles from “Claves del Comercio Exterior” On-line applications. “legisTaric”: legislation related to customs and foreign trade; “netTaric”: Custom’s Tariff (updated 50+ times / year)... On-line services. Official currency rates for SADs (updated weekly), Classification codes correlations...
International projects
International projects Initial Consortium Member of the EC-funded project: EurTradeNet Market Access Database. http://madb.europa.eu (EC Contract) Software programme for trade negotiations between the EU and South Africa (EC Contract) Seminar in Syria for public officials and companies: “Conditions to access to EU market for agricultural products” Assessment for the implementation of Customs Single Window in the Port of Vigo (Spain) Export Helpdesk. http://exporthelp.europa.eu (EC Contract)
Contact information
Contact information info@taric.es c/ Boix y Morer, 6, 6º - 28003 Madrid - Spain Ph: +34 915 541 006 Fax: +34 915 541 467