DAILY ROUTINES Resumen El presente simple y acciones rutinarias son el primer tema de la unidad III que conforma el PAI (programa académico institucional) de la materia de Conversaciones Introductorias en Lengua Extranjera. Abstract The present simple and daily routines are the first topic in unit I in PAI (programa académico institucional) in the subject of Socializing. Keywords: verbo to be,unidad I, conversaciones, lengua extranjera, socializing.
Long form Short form AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE I live I don’t live Do I live? You live You do not live You don’t live Do you live? He lives He does not live He doesn’t live Does he live? She lives She does not live She doesn’t live Does she live? It lives It does not live It doesn’t live Does it live? We live We do not live We don’t live Do we live? They live They do not live They don’t live Do they live?
We use does + subject + verb in the third person singular. Affirmative We form the present simple with the subject (noun or personal pronoun) and the verb. We usually add an –s to the third person singular in the affirmative. Negative We form the third person singular in the negative with does not/doesn’t + main verb. We form all other persons in the negative with do not/don’t + main verb. Interrogative. We use do + subject + verb in all persons except for the third person singular We use does + subject + verb in the third person singular. Do you like Science? Does he like Geography?
Most verbs take –s in the third person singular. I eat – he eats Verbs ending in –ss, -sh, -ch, -x or -o take –es. I miss – he misses, I finish – he finishes Verbs ending in a consonant + y drop the –y and take –ies. I study – he studies Verbs ending in a vowel + y take –s. I play – he plays
We use the present simple for: Daily routines, repeated, actions or habits. I get up at 7 am every day. Permanent states. She works in a bank
-S OR –ES ENDING IS PRONUNCED: /s/ with verbs ending in /f/, /k/, /p/, or /t/ sounds. he eats. /iz/ with verbs ending in /s/, /∫/, /dz/ or /z/ sounds. he catches. /z/ with verbs ending in all other sounds. he swims.
every hour/ day/ week/ month/summer/ year/ etc, usually, always, every morning, / evening / afternoon/night, in the morning/afternoon etc.
In short answers we only use yes or no, the subject pronoun ( I, you, he, etc.) and the auxiliary verb do/don’t or does/doesn’t. we do not repeat the main verb. .
Does he/she/it like tennis? Do you like tennis? Yes, I do/we do. No, I don’t/we don’t Does he/she/it like tennis? Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t Do they like tennis? Yes, they do No, they don’t
Write the questions for the following information: 1. _______________________________? My name's Lucy. 2. ______________________________? I'm 28 years old. 3. ______________________________? I'm from Glasgow. 4. _____________________________? I live in Stirling. How old are you? Where are you from? Where do you live? What´s your name?
It's lucy.jackson@yahoo.co.uk 5. _____________________________? I'm a French teacher. 6. _____________________________? I work near Stirling, in a High School. 7. _____________________________? 16 In Main street number 23. 8. _____________________________? It's lucy.jackson@yahoo.co.uk 9. _____________________________? It's 689 455 89 26 What´s your e-mail addreess? What´s your telephone number? What´s your job? Where do you work? What´s your address?
10. _____________________________? No, I'm single. 11. _____________________________? I like sports and music. 12. _____________________________? I am fine thank you. 13. _____________________________? I am an engineering student. What´s your profession? What are your hobbies? How are you? Are you married?
1. I play (play) tennis at the weekends. Put the verbs in the brackets into the present simple. 1. I play (play) tennis at the weekends. 2. She ________________ (go) to bed quite early every night. 3. Gary _________________ (like) swimming. 4. My mum ________________ (wash) the dishes after every meal. 5. I _________ (watch) TV in evenings. 6. Harry ______________ (study) music with a great pianist. 7. Grandma Rose _______________ (read)stories to her grandchildren. 8. They ________________ (have) eggs in the morning.
Put the adverb of frequency in the correct place, as in the example. 1. I drink milk in the morning. (always) I always drink milk in the morning 2. Adam goes to bed late at night. (never) ___________________________________________ 3. I watch TV. (sometimes) 4. You can see birds in the garden. (rarely) __________________________________________ 5. Lou eats in a restaurant. (hardly ever)
Referencias Evans, V. y Dooley, J. (2003). Upstream. Beginner. Express Publishing.