THE BEGINNINGS Was born in 1272. He was a Scotisch nationalist. Who fought against English rule in Scotland.
We don’t know much about his chidhood We don’t know much about his chidhood.He was the son of a Scotish landlord and he had two brothers. He was a very rebellious young man. The first known fact about him comes from 1297 when he attacked and killed an English scherift William in Lanark. William Wallace took a revange for the death of his young wife Marian. It was the beginning of his flight against the English rule.
Mel Gibson as William Wallace in the movie „Braveheart”
FIGHTING AGAINST THE ENGLISH He and his men attacked English soldiers located in different towns in Scotland. Soon this Scotish rebellion spread in the north and south Scotland. Wallace’s people were very brave they killed each English man standing on their way.
THE MOST FAMOUS BATTLE & VICTORY The most famous battle in Stirling. The English army was very big and strong but Wallace sefeated them because he located his army on a hill and they were throwing spears at English soldiers. The English Soldiers had no way to escape and thay had to jump to the river and drowned. It was a really big victiory of Scotland.
WALLACE DEATH Unfortunatelly the English king Edward I defated him at Falkirk in 1298 and Wallace was captured and executed.
THE end