First European Workshop on Ataxia-Telangiectasia Clinical Science for A-T: Status Quo and Future Directions Dear Colleagues, we have the pleasure to invite you to the First European Workshop on Ataxia- Telangiectasia in Frankfurt, Germany. We now have further information about the venue and hotel. Please contact our university office for Registration and Abstract Submission. Registration for the workshop is free. Abstract Submission will be open until 1 st December Thank you very much Looking forward to welcoming you in Frankfurt in January 2011 Stefan Zielen & Ralf Schubert Office Brigitte Kraft Klinikum der J.W. Goethe Universität Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin Theodor-Stern-Kai Frankfurt am Main Phone: Fax: Frankfurt, Germany and
Venue/Hotel The Workshop will be held at the Innside Hotel Frankfurt Niederrad. Rooms have been reserved for workshop participants at special conference rates (99 /night). All participants will be responsible for arranging their own travel and hotel reservations. When booking your room, please use the keyword AT-Workshop. Innside Hotel Frankfurt Niederrad Herriotstrasse 2, 60528, Frankfurt am Main Phone: FAX: Abstract Submission All abstract submissions are subject to review by the scientific committee. For (poster) presentations, authors will present ideas relating to the conference theme Clinical Science for A-T and one of the conference topics listed below. Topics: Neurological Abnormalities Pneumological Disease Cancer Predisposition Immunodeficiency A-T Registery All abstracts must be submitted in English. The submitted abstract should be limited to a maximum of 400 words excluding the title, authors and institutions. A special support on the hotel rate (20 %) will be provided for all investigators selected for oral or poster presentations. General Information
Program Lunch - Come together Opening - Stefan Zielen & Ralf Schubert Clinical science I Plenary Session - Richard Gatti Neurology Workgroup Lung Disease Workgroup Immunodeficiency and Laboratory Evaluation Workgroup Biologics: Cancer and ATM Function Workgroup Coffee Break Therapeutic Approaches Pre-Clinical Trials Free Presentations Poster Session Dinner and Social Event Friday Saturday Clinical science II Plenary Session - N.N Therapeutic Approaches II Clinical Trials Free Presentations Coffee Break Workshop Reports Neurology Lung Disease Immunodeficiency and Lab Evaluation Biologics: Cancer and ATM Function
Lunch Break Poster Session ESID Report A-T Registery Plenary Session N.N Coffee Break Future European Studies and Applications Diskussion End of Meeting Program Saturday