The Fourth World KLEMS Conference. Determinants of Productivity in Mexico. Madrid, 23 may 2016.
Content. Total Factor Productivity Determinants of TPF? What happened? Steps to follow
Total Factor Productivity
Total Factor Productivity, 1991 to 2014. (Percentage annual growth rates) The TFP 1991-2014 average, stood at -0.33% The TFP in 2014 preliminary decreases 0.19%.
(Percentage annual growth rates) Total Factor Productivity, the Total Factor Contribution and Gross Output (Percentage annual growth rates)
Total Factor Productivity (Percentage annual growth rates) Variables A K L E M S B A-B=C Production (Weighted annual growth rates) Contribution of factors T FP Capital TIC NO TIC Labor Energy Materials Services 1991 5.40 1.53 0.04 1.49 0.50 0.21 1.42 0.59 4.24 1.16 1992 4.90 1.85 0.10 1.75 0.97 0.06 1.19 0.66 4.73 0.17 1993 2.20 1.80 0.13 1.67 0.76 0.05 0.32 0.23 3.15 -0.95 1994 6.33 1.96 1.84 0.72 2.28 1.03 6.12 1995 -6.18 1.23 0.00 -0.39 -0.22 -1.52 -1.39 -2.29 -3.89 1996 7.25 0.60 -0.05 0.65 0.90 0.18 2.52 0.29 4.49 2.76 1997 6.84 1.48 1.43 1.15 0.16 2.24 1.11 6.14 0.69 1998 6.23 2.00 0.12 1.88 0.55 0.22 2.36 0.92 6.05 1999 3.58 0.19 2.05 0.88 0.78 1.17 5.18 -1.60 2000 5.20 2.42 2.14 0.24 0.15 1.78 5.26 -0.06 2001 -1.12 2.04 0.27 1.77 0.30 -0.04 -0.70 1.38 -2.50 2002 0.62 1.40 1.28 0.01 0.38 -1.34 2003 2.33 0.07 1.04 1.37 0.42 2.83 -0.50 2004 4.50 0.08 1.06 0.87 -0.02 0.57 4.09 0.41 2005 3.08 1.36 -0.01 2.69 0.40 2006 5.51 1.59 1.47 0.84 -0.03 1.72 0.98 5.11 2007 3.16 0.20 1.57 0.51 0.77 3.71 -0.54 2008 1.64 0.35 -0.34 2.26 -1.38 2009 -5.77 1.29 0.11 -0.48 -2.17 -0.82 -2.21 -3.56 2010 5.81 0.80 0.34 4.11 1.71 2011 3.70 1.14 1.10 0.58 2.90 2012 4.15 1.45 1.35 0.45 0.43 2013 1.39 0.09 1.31 0.36 -0.65 2014 2.23 1.18 0.71 -0.19
Determinants of TFP?
Determinants of productivity. Capital service price. Capital productivity. Income (cost) per unit of capital. Price of labor service. Labor productivity. Unit labor cost.
Total economy: Analytical indicators related to capital factor, series 1991-2014. (Dollars)
Total economy: Analytical indicators related to labor factor, series 1991-2014. (Dollars)
Analysis of results: total economy. Services Capital and Labor Services, have a common point with respect to the results shown from 1991 to 2014. The common point is the crisis of 1995, when the economy experienced a sharp drop in production have an impact on these two factors. Causing a structural change in the Mexican economy from 1995 production growth is not favorable to the ability of the economy to generate better results in productivity.
Analysis of results: primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. The change observed in the total economy, is similar to the results of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Consequently, this situation generated a structural change in the Mexican economy. In response, the federal government has recently boosted financial and labor reforms. The first, find that the credit is accessible to all producers of | goods and services. The second seeks to guarantee the quality of labor through fair wages and well paid. Because current labor laws protect employment generation without promoting it.
Primary Sector: Analytical indicators related to capital factor, series 1991-2014. (Dollars) Primary Sector: Analytical indicators related to the labor factor, series 1991-2014. (Dollars)
Secondary sector: Analytical indicators related to capital factor, series 1991-2014. (Dollars) Secondary sector: Analytical indicators related to the labor factor, series1991-2014. (Dollars)
Tertiary Sector: Analytical indicators related to capital factor, series 1991-2014. (Dollars) Tertiary Sector: Analytical indicators related to the labor factor, 1991-2014 series. (Dollars)
Summary of Determinants of Productivity.
What happened?
Determinants of Productivity
Steps to follow.
Steps to follow. Assess the impact of global value chains as part of the Total Contribution of factors and their impact on the Gross Value of Production. Analyze other determinants of productivity, proposed in the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Steps to follow. Consider opening that has the SNA 2008 in the following types of assets, to adopt in the PTF-KLEMS: Machinery, weapons systems and equipment. Transport equipment. Computer hardware. Telecommunications equipment. Other machinery and equipment and weapon systems nonresidential construction (other buildings and structures). Intellectual property products. Software and computer databases. Investigation and development. Other intellectual property products.