English 1 – Mr. Rampersaud Procedures English 1 – Mr. Rampersaud
Entering classroom procedures Enter quietly, make sure you have your class supplies: *Textbook *Binder/Looseleaf Paper *Independent Reading Book *Pencil/Pen/Highlighter *Post-It Notes *Proceed directly to your assigned seat and place class materials on your desk. *Place your book bag under your desk (make sure the aisle is clear) *Check the common board for daily tasks *Begin Bellwork(Bellwork is silent unless it is a discussion activity).
Coming in late You are late to class if you are not inside the classroom when the bell rings. If you are late to class you must: 1. Walk in quietly making as little noise as possible. 2. Sign the Tardy Sheet. (Name, date, time) If you have a pass leave it in the folder. 3. Take your assigned seat. 4. Join the activity in progress. If you don’t know what the class is doing raise your hand until the teacher sees you. 5. Continue working (waiting) quietly until I get to your desk ( Every 3 tardies is a referral)
Exiting class * Work area must be cleaned. * Must be seated in order to be dismissed. * Teacher dismisses class, not the bell. *Use your exit ticket. * If we leave our classroom to go to another school classroom, gym, cafeteria, etc. we are all to be silent and respectful. (Breaking this rule will cause a deduction of participation points).
Turning in work and note taking *Turn in work to the designated area. I will notify you when to turn in work. * Notes must be done Cornell style * No late work unless you have a valid excuse.
Going to the bathroom and passes There will be no passes given during instructional time or at the beginning(first 10 minutes)/end of class(last 10 minutes). You must have a pass to leave the classroom(to go to counselor or office). Bathroom passes: 2 per week Raise your hand and I will point to the sign out sheet. You do not need to interrupt class.
Group Work * I will assign your groups. * Everyone needs to work together. *Everyone will be responsible for the finished task. * Volume must be low enough so that everyone can hear each other. * If your group is off task, you will lose points for the assignment.
Class Work *When you work individually, you are to be silent and stay on task. * No talking with fellow classmates unless it is a discussion activity.
Word Wall *Each week you will have 10 words to learn and use. There will be a quiz at the end of each week.
Computer Usage *DO NOT waste computer time. If you are off task, you will receive a ZERO on the assignment and will lose the privilege to use the computers. * Only visit school appropriate web sites.
Signals Quiet signal: I will raise my hand in the air. (This means all talking needs to end) Understanding check: a show of fingers of how much you understand. Emergency signal: Raise both hands. *** Do not blurt out anything during class.
Finishing early: If you finish all of your assigned work early you may a) read independently b) work on an assignment for another class c) write DO NOT TALK OR DISTURB OTHERS.
Binder Binder will be checked at least once a week. Have your binder with you at all times. Have all of the necessary requirements in your binder. (check syllabus)
When we have a visitor/sub Be respectful and listen. Class rules apply. If the sub writes a negative note, the class will lose privileges for the quarter(extra credit, free time, movie day, etc.) *When I am not at school, treat the sub as you would treat me. A negative note will lead to a ZERO on class work.
Participation Participate in class!!! Answer questions! Volunteer to read or help out! The more active and engaged you are, the better your grade will be. (If you are at a borderline grade I will raise it up if I believe that you have worked hard in class) Volunteer or raise your hand!! I will call on you if there are no volunteers.
Basic rules No phone usage unless I allow it. (There is a zero tolerance policy. I will take your phone) Headphones/earbuds off upon entry. No food or beverages besides water. No sleeping in class.( First offense is a loss of points. 2nd is a referral. 3rd is going down to CD) No talking or being disruptive. *If your computer/printer breaks or you have something happen that caused you to not complete the homework, you must see me before the first period bell rings or it will be counted as a 0.
Hint If reading is assigned……….Read!!!! I love to give quizzes. Sometimes a pop quiz can be worth 300 points. If you do not believe me, ask someone who has had me.