The Spring Feast’s of the LORD (appointed times) Lev. 23 1 Corinthians 5:7 Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed. The Spring Feast’s of the LORD (appointed times) Lev. 23 Passover redemption Unleavened Bread sanctification First Fruits resurrection Weeks (Pentecost) origination
Was Jesus Really Resurrected From Death? Paul Says: 1COR 15:14 and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain, your faith also is vain. the World Says: Miracles Can Not Happen A Resurrection is a Miracle Anyone who believes in the resurrection is a liar, because Miracles Never Happen, Because Miracles Can Not Happen
Eight points easier to prove than the resurrection What Do We Know? Eight points easier to prove than the resurrection Jesus lived Jesus was crucified Jesus was considered dead Buried in a known accessible tomb His followers preached: Jesus Raised from the dead Jesus left an empty tomb Jesus ascended Jewish leaders involved in His Death wanted to disprove the disciples teaching Jewish Leaders persecuted the Apostles and early Christians Conclusion: The tomb was empty
Theories that Explain the Apostles Teaching about an Empty Tomb: Hallucinations, the women did not find an empty tomb Disciples Stole the Body Romans stole the Body Jewish Leaders Stole the Body Wrong Tomb, the women were lost Jesus revived, never dead Disciples made the story up, they lied Disciples told the truth
There Are Only Two viable Explanations: They lied or They were telling the truth Question: What would you do for a lie? Embellish Change your story Suffer persecution Alone Separated from the group