Ancient Egypt **The Great Pyramid is estimated to have about 2,300,000 stone blocks weighing from 2-30 Tons each with some weighing as much as 70 tons. **There is so much stone mass in the pyramid that the interior temperature is constant and equals the average temperature of the earth, 20 Degrees Celsius (68 Degrees Fahrenheit).---Desert-like? I think not!!
Use your Brain 1. When you hear EGYPT what are the first 3 words/phrases/terms/significant individuals that come to mind Check out the quick clip to perhaps refresh your memory… 2. Thinking back to the people of early Mesopotamia, what “environmental challenge” did they encounter and eventually overcome when it came to the utilization of “their rivers” for irrigation purposes?
Geography Majority of Egypt’s landscape is desert– eastern edge of the Sahara Isolation good or bad? Migratory people settled on Nile River – “The Gift of the Nile”— River worshipped as a GOD
Nile River Overflows every spring, --”predictable” providing fertile soil (silt)– Nile River Delta A “highway” for travel & trade
The Annual Flooding of the Nile
Government Theocracy – Egyptian Pharaoh represents both living god and king Buried in pyramids with “possessions” to accommodate in the afterlife Rule was usually passed down to eldest son-hereditary
HOLD ONTO HOMEWORK The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt are one of the greatest enduring representations (legacy) of the civilization. How do the pyramids themselves reflect the political, social, intellectual, economic and/or religious aspects of this enduring civilization? Choose 3 of these aspects and give your best interpretation of each (refer to homework ques. E)
Religion Polytheistic-multiple gods worshipped & Mythopoeic (myths used to explain creation of life and Egyptian civilization) Strong belief in the afterlife (life after death) * mummification preservation of bodies for acceptance to afterlife leads to advanced “medical” knowledge
Egyptian Gods & Goddesses: “The Sacred ‘Trinity’ Osiris (Death) Isis (Life) Horus (Sky) (Afterlife) (Female) “Protector of Pharaohs”
Golden Age Contributions in math, architecture science, medicine Development of Calendar- charted overflow of the Nile- focus on agriculture Hieroglyphics (pictorial writing system-- more sophisticated than cuneiform
Egyptian Math & Medicine 1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000
Hieroglyphics “Alphabet” 24 “letters” + 700 phonetic symbols
Papyrus Paper Hieratic Scroll Piece Papyrus Plant
Hieroglyphic “Cartouche” Egyptian “Royalty” ONLY
Egyptian Social Hierarchy
Social Structure Pharaoh > gov’t/rel. Priests > religious Nobles >military Merchants > economic Artisan > Artistic Peasants > Agricultural Slave
Materials Used in Mummification 1. Linen 6. Natron 2. Sawdust 7. Onion 3. Lichen 8. Nile Mud 4. Beeswax 9. LinenPads 5. Resin 10. Frankinsense
Preparation for the Afterlife
Queen Tiye, wife of Amenhotep II 1210-1200 B. C. E. Egyptian Mummies Seti I 1291-1278 B. C. E. Ramses II 1279-1212 B. C. E. Queen Tiye, wife of Amenhotep II 1210-1200 B. C. E.
King Tutankhamun’s Tomb
King Tutankhamen’s Death Mask Reign 1333-1323 B.C.E -- during the period of Egyptian history known as the New Kingdom -- Tutankhamun means "Living Image of Amun“ (King of the Gods)
An Egyptian Woman’s “Must-Haves” Mirror Perfume Whigs
Rightful Owners of Ancient Artifacts After reading the “Officials Debate Rightful Owners of Ancient Artifacts” complete following tasks: 1. Form a claim based on the following question and support it with least 3 pieces of evidence from article. Why do you / do you not feel that foreign nations should possess and showcase Ancient Artifacts? What solution(s) do you advocate for or denounce in terms of “sharing the wealth”—”Universal Museum” The article deals with an understanding of morals as the foundation of this debate. How do morals play a role in this use of historical artifacts to “educate”/ “entertain” the world? 2. What is your interpretation of the last quote in the article? (Asterisk(*) next to it) Does this quote fuel or contradict your original argument? Why?
Legacy of Ancient Egypt After reading and annotating the article titled Ancient Egypt and the Modern World create an evidence based claim about the legacy of Ancient Egypt (Tell me in you view: What is the legacy of Egypt?). In addition to that claim fabricate at least 3-5 arguments using evidence from the article referring to Egypt’s enduring legacies. Make sure to explain (How?Why?) the instrumental role these legacies played in the understanding of Egyptian culture or the significant influence these legacies will have on future civilizations.