Subjects in Unusual Positions
Subjects in Unusual Positions In most cases, the subject is placed before the verb. Example A leafless oak tree stood in the yard. A leafless oak tree stood in the yard. A leafless oak tree stood in the yard. Subject Verb
Subjects in Unusual Positions In some sentences, however, the subject appears after the verb. In other sentences, the subject is not stated at all.
Inverted Sentences Example In an inverted sentence, the subject appears after the verb or between the words that make up the verb phrase. Example In the yard stood a leafless oak tree. In the yard stood a leafless oak tree. In the yard stood a leafless oak tree. Verb Subject
Inverted Sentences Example In his garden grew an 800- pound pumpkin. (An 800-pound pumpkin grew in his garden)
Inverted Sentences Example Never had the neighbors seen such a squash! (The neighbors had never seen such a squash!)
Sentences Beginning with Here or There When a sentence begins with here or there, the subject usually follows the verb. Example Here comes the first sign of fall. There was a frost last night. Verb Subject Verb Subject
Sentences Beginning with Here or There Here and there are almost never the subject of a sentence.
Sentences Beginning with Here or There Here and there usually function as adverbs of place that modify by answering the question where?
The subject of an imperative sentence is always you. Imperative Sentences The subject of an imperative sentence is always you. EX: Don’t complain.
Practice Here is the best fruit in town. Come to the annual cabbage competition in Palmer, Alaska.
Practice 3. There is hot competition for the $4,000 first prize.
Practice 5. At the bottom of the ocean lay many old boats, fancy treasures, and lost fishing gear. 6. To Lesley Dinkel goes the title.
Practice 7. Among his many triumphs was a 98-pound master. 8. The rest of the gardeners were given advice by the winners.
Practice 9. Here is their best advice. 10. Protect your cabbages from moose.