A.Jeremie, B.Bolzon, N.Geffroy, C.Girard, (G.Gaillard)


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Presentation transcript:

A.Jeremie, B.Bolzon, N.Geffroy, C.Girard, (G.Gaillard) Stable support for FD A.Jeremie, B.Bolzon, N.Geffroy, C.Girard, (G.Gaillard) Andrea JEREMIE

Outline Measurements on table Work done by G. Durand with drawings Discussion on table length Andrea JEREMIE

Discussion on table length Andrea JEREMIE

Notice that in this drawing the magnets are not always at same position on the mover Andrea JEREMIE

Marc Woodley’s answer to the design distances Hi Andrea, In ATF2v3.7Layout.ppt, the dashed lines around magnets represent the approximate extent of the coils; the lengths quoted for the magnets are the core lengths (not the effective lengths). The center-to-center separations of the magnets are what defines the layout: QD2AFF -> SF1FF : 4875 mm center-to-center SF1FF -> QF1FF : 575 mm center-to-center QF1FF -> SD0FF : 790 mm center-to-center SD0FF -> QD0FF : 575 mm center-to-center QD0FF -> IP : 1225 mm center-to-IP -Mark Andrea JEREMIE

! 10cm too short! QD0 SD0 QF1 SF1 245 310 245+575+790+575+310= 2495 Magnet center to center distances 2400 10cm too short! Andrea JEREMIE

=>Look for longer table From Marc Woodley’s presentation on July 18 FF: MS2FF and Final Doublet QC3 QC3 180 180 Sweeping 180 MS FFTB 2.13 S3.00 SBPM SBPM FFTB 2.13 S3.00 SBPM SBPM Shintake 100 100 100 100 Honda 76.2 76.2 370 200 370 200 450.1 450.1 MS2FF SF1FF QF1FF SD0FF QD0FF S-band BPM outside table but attached on a “heavy” QD0=> no problem of support or does it need an additional support? S-band BPM outside table on a “light” Sextupole=> how will the S-band BPM be supported? TMC 2400mm table: first resonant frequency in free-free configuration at 230Hz =>Look for longer table Andrea JEREMIE

Move back the table? TMC builds a 3000mm table Sweeping Shintake Honda QC3 QC3 Sweeping Shintake 180 180 180 MS FFTB 2.13 S3.00 SBPM SBPM FFTB 2.13 S3.00 100 100 100 SBPM SBPM 100 Honda 76.2 76.2 370 200 370 200 450.1 450.1 MS2FF SF1FF QF1FF SD0FF QD0FF Will be able to support everything, but gets into a very crowded zone!!! Problem with Shintake monitor support (that will support the Honda monitor). What about the sweeping magnet support? Move back the table? Andrea JEREMIE

What can we do if we keep the 2400mm table? TMC builds a 3000mm table QC3 QC3 Sweeping 180 180 180 MS FFTB 2.13 S3.00 SBPM SBPM FFTB 2.13 S3.00 Honda 100 100 100 SBPM SBPM 100 76.2 76.2 370 200 370 200 450.1 450.1 MS2FF SF1FF QF1FF SD0FF QD0FF Don’t know anything about what is in the back of FD. What is the MS2? What is the support envisaged? Is there something else in the back? Longer table has a lower first resonant frequency at 185 Hz thus uncertainty on behaviour when fixed and under load What can we do if we keep the 2400mm table? Andrea JEREMIE

What we need to define How do we attach the movers to the table? How do we compensate for the 400mm height difference to the beam? How do we attach the table to the floor? We will use a base-plate: take advantage of this extra plate to support the mover sticking out? Andrea JEREMIE

Height compensation + coarse adjustment Mover T-plate Base plate Height compensation + coarse adjustment Extra support No possibility of using side of table for attachment TMC table Mover base plate Single base plate TMC table TMC table U-shaped “shelf” Andrea JEREMIE Base plate attached with clamps

What we need to define How do we attach the movers to the table? How do we compensate for the 400mm height difference to the beam? How do we attach the table to the floor? Not yet defined: use “old” method with coarsely adjustable feet? But at such a height, how is the vibrational behaviour? Need to know how table attached to the floor to know exact compensation value Andrea JEREMIE

What we need to define How do we attach the movers to the table? How do we compensate for the 400mm height difference to the beam? How do we attach the table to the floor? TMC table Concrete polymer? Flat steel plate Floor Andrea JEREMIE Bolt plate to floor

Rigid mount for Shintake monitor & FF magnets-side view Andrea JEREMIE T.Kume

Rigid mount for Shintake monitor & FF magnets-top view Andrea JEREMIE T.Kume

Method for ensuring face contact on floor Vertical table for mounting interferometer optics (made of non-magnetic SUS honeycomb core?) Cover for preventing LASAR scattering Horizontal table for mounting vertical table (made of steel honeycomb core) Mounting face Beam Filler for ensuring face contact between table and floor T.Kume Shim Floor Andrea JEREMIE

Q-BPM support for FF SX magnets Height to magnetic center one SX magnet and stand is ~279.4mm. Needs to be 220mm Height to magnetic center of SX and stand is ~234.5mm, have 2 magnets with these stands. C.Spencer Andrea JEREMIE