AFP Indonesia Fitri Putjuk ( Heri Haerudin ( Inne Silviane ( Dini Haryati ( Remember to insert your institution and partner logos
Adoption of a Proven Approach AFP provides a complete and proven approach and methodology to design, implement, monitor and evaluate advocacy initiative: Advocacy working groups (with members from various government offices and civil society) are established at national level, provinces and districts Full family planning (FP) services are in the process to be covered in the national health insurance Budget allocation is increasing in working areas (regular district budget, village budget allocation and private sector budget) to support FP program (promotion/education, services, health worker capacity building) Political support from local government through local government decrees and endorsement letters in providing support to FP program Districts, provinces and other FP programs adopted the AFP advocacy approach; it is now in the process of being adopted into the national advocacy strategy Spotlight 2-3 major advocacy accomplishments. Participants will receive a full list of quick wins per country – what key achievements do you want them to remember? AFP approach is now in the process of being adopted into national advocacy strategy AFP approach has been adopted by Provincial BKKBN in West Kalimantan, Maluku and South Sulawesi FP budget allocation in district and village budget is increased in Bengkayang, Karanganyar, Kuningan and Karawang. Policy/program advocacy wins: Bengkayang district government has recruited 17 FP field staffs (PLKB) to support FP program at sub-district level. Karawang District Head Endorsement Letter instructing 309 villages in Karawang to revitalize FP team and allocating village budget for FP program. Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 2
Perfecting and Scaling-Up National Ensure full FP services coverage in the national health insurance Revise the Ministry of Health Decree 34/2014 that prohibits vendors to distribute contraceptives directly to private midwives Include language on family planning in national guidelines for utilizing village budgets Revise the old criminalization code of family planning that prohibits the display of contraceptives in FP promotion conducted by non government staff Subnational Expand adoption of AFP approach: to other provinces (West Kalimantan, Maluku, South Sulawesi, East Java and West Nusa Tenggara) to other districts within the province (Central Java, by replicating District of Karanganyar model) to other villages within the district (all villages in District of Karanganyar) Increase 2016 annual district budgets Scale up village advocacy approach to all villages in Karanganyar Replicate village advocacy approach in Karanganyar to other districts Don’t list everything – discuss the 3-4 major objectives you are focusing on this year. Remember that participants will receive a copy of the full advocacy objectives for each partner in a separate handout. Scale-up AFP approach in West Kalimantan, Maluku, South Sulawesi, East Java and West Nusa Tenggara Increase 2016 annual district budget Scale up village advocacy approach to all villages in Karanganyar Replicate village advocacy approach in Karanganyar to other districts Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 3
From Advocacy Wins to Impact Karanganyar applied AFP’s Village Advocacy approach in 4 villages in early 2015. The approach now is implemented in all 162 villages Supporting policies, such as District and Village Head regulations, endorsement letters and decrees issued to strengthen the implementation of FP program. All 162 allocated from $80 - $440 per village/year or a total of $49,937 for FP activities at village level in 2015. In 2016, the allocation increased from $80 - $2,560 per village/year. Karanganyar's New Users in 4 Villages IUD Female Sterilization Male Sterilization Implants Condom Injection Pill 2014 69 15 36 53 348 45 2015 100 22 1 57 357 Show how your quick win is achieving impact – either through budgets allocated, stock-outs reduced, services improving, contraceptive use increasing, etc. Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 4
Challenges Decentralization devolves important decisions to districts; however, not all leaders in the 514 districts in Indonesia make FP a priority Rotation of local government officials and politicians is frequent FP stakeholders, including decision-makers and also providers capacity and skills need to be improved Discuss a challenge to/opportunity for your advocacy or pose a question that you would like answered. Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 5
OPTIONAL SLIDE: Map of where you work AFP Indonesia currently works in 7 districts: Karanganyar, Karawang, Kuningan, Bengkayang, Kapuas Hulu, Ambon City, and Tual City Include an image of where you work in your country, or other images/photos, charts, or graphics Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 6