Metabolic Pathways & Energy Production Chapter 18 DE Chemistry – King William High School Metabolic Pathways & Energy Production Chapter 18
Metabolism Chemical reactions and substances that provide energy for cell growth 2 types: 1. catabolic reaction – complex molecules are broken down and release energy 2. anabolic reaction – use energy to build large molecules from smaller molecules
Catabolic reactions Stage 1: Digestion polysaccharides monosaccharides fats glycerol & fatty acids proteins amino acids **products go into bloodstream for transport to cells Stage 2: digestion product 2 & 3 carbon cmpds **pyruvate & acetyl-CoA
Catabolic reactions Stage 3: *acetyl-CoA is oxidized in the citric acid cycle *production of energy in mitochondria * products of citric acid cycle (NADH & FADH2) are transferred to electron transport to make ATP (as long as there is enough oxygen in the cells)
3 Stages of Catabolism
Animal cell
ATP & Energy ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is released as energy from the oxidation of food
ATP Hydrolysis
ADP hydrolysis ADP + H2O AMP + Pi + 34 kJ Catabolic reactions are energy producing ADP + Pi + 34 kJ ATP + H2O Anabolic reactions are energy requiring (stored ATP hydrolyzes to produce energy)
Digestion of carbohydrates
Digestion of fats
Digestion of proteins
NAD+ Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide Oxidizing agent Accepts electrons to become NADH Reacts with alcohols to produce aldehydes and NADH
FAD Flavin adenine dinucleotide Contains ADP Used in the citric acid cycle
Coenzyme A Prepares small acyl groups for reactions with enzymes
Glycolysis Anaerobic (no oxygen involved) Glucose 2 pyruvate Occurs in cytoplasm Nets 2 ATP & 2 NADH
Overall reaction for glycolysis
Pyruvate Aerobic conditions – pyruvate is converted to acetyl-coenzyme A Anaerobic conditions – pyruvate is converted to lactate
Citric acid cycle
Citric acid cycle products 2 carbon dioxides 3 NADH & 3H+ 1 FADH2 1 GTP (1 ATP) 1 CoA
Electron Transport
Oxidative Phosp Proton pump – H+ (protons) concentration goes up, pH goes down…makes an electrochemical gradient Protons must move through ATP synthase in order to get back into the matrix When protons move through ATP synthase…energy is generated (ADP ATP)
ATP Production
Oxidation of fatty acids Produces lots of energy Occurs in the mitochondria Produces acetyl-CoA # of Cs determines how much energy is produced
ATP energy from amino acids About 10% of our energy
Whoomp here it is…