MSD 1 Week 6 System design Review Team 15462 Rochester Institute of Technology College of Engineering 10/2/2014 P15462
Agenda Background System Analysis Problem Statement Customer Needs Engineering Requirements Week 3 action item review System Analysis Function Decomposition Area’s of Design Brainstorm Selection Criteria Pugh Chart Final System Selection Concept Feasibility Test Plan Updated Project Plan System Architecture Risk Assessment 10/2/2014 P15462
Problem Statement The goal of this project is to design, build, and reliably test an unpowered, human-controlled tethered glider specifically for use as an Airborne Wind Turbine system (AWT). Zebert This project and related research in a more efficient method for harvesting wind energy than what current wind turbines As a result the concept of the Airborne Wind Turbine (AWT) was developed AWTs will be capable of harvesting wind energy in high altitude environments where wind speed is faster and more sustained 100m 10/2/2014 P15462 250m 100m 250m
Customer Needs Customer Need # Importance Description CN1 9 Tethered glider system (with electric prop assist for launching) that demonstrates at least 3 minutes of continuous circular flight path with taunt tether. CN2 1 Clean appearance CN3 Human controlled plane CN4 3 No special flight skill required CN5 Use existing base station design CN6 Tether tension is measured and recorded during flights CN7 Tether direction is measured and recorded during flights CN8 Videos with accompanying data files of all flight tests (even ones that don’t work) CN9 Able to survive crashes with minor repairs (short downtime) CN10 Replaceable Parts CN11 Maintenance Guide CN12 Design a robust glider which meets the above repair requirements and can be piloted in the cyclical path. Devin 10/2/2014 P15462
Engineering Requirements rqmt. # Importance Type Source Engr. Requirement (metric) Unit of Measure Marginal Value Ideal Value Comments/Status Test (how are you going to verify satisfaction) S1 9 Aero CN1 Drag Coefficient -- 0.2 0.05 Calculation & XLFR5 S2 Lift Coefficient 0.7 1 S3 3 Wingspan ft 3.3 Customer Constraint Tape Measure S4 CN4 Cooper-Harper Rating Subjective S5 CN3 Flight Stability Binary Marginal Complete Static Stability Criteria Calulation & Flight Testing S6 CN11 Profile of Surface for Airfoil Manufacturing in 0.1 GD&T ASTM Standard S7 Efficiency of Wing - 0.82 0.9 Calculation S8 Fixed Angle of Attack deg Protractor S9 Electrical CN7 Horizontal Potentiometer Recording Capability Exists (P14462) LabVIEW S10 Vertical Potentiometer Recording S11 Electronics Weight lbs 0.484 0.4 Motor not included Scale S12 Financial Initial Cost $ 250 200 BOM S13 CN10 Repair Cost 100 50 S14 Mechanical CN6 Tether Tension 5 23 S15 Mechanical Weight 4 S16 Service Ceiling 75 FAA Regulation S17 Flight Path Diameter 25 S18 Maximum Glider Speed mph 30 45 S19 Fuselage Cross Sectional Area in2 20 16 Caliper S20 CN9 Fuselage Material Tensile Strength psi CF is ideal material MatWeb Lookup S21 Wing Material Tensile Strength Foam Mat'l Comparison S22 Time Repair Downtime hour 24 Stopwatch S23 CN8 Time between flights min S24 Training Flight Hours 12 Training Documetation Devin The Cooper–Harper Rating scale is a set of criteria used by test pilots and flight test engineers to evaluate the handling qualities of aircraft during flight test. 10/2/2014 P15462
Glider Purchase UMX Radian BNF For use as Practice Tethered Glider Onboard Electronics Included Folding Prop Purchased from E-Flite via Amazon $89.99 +ship Radio from P14462 (Professor Kolodziej) Futaba 6EX-PCM Shipping ETA 10/1/2014 10/2/2014 P15462
Glider Purchase Cont. Wingspan: 28.7 in (730mm) Overall Length: Flying Weight: 1.50 oz (43 g) Motor Size: 8.5mm coreless brushed motor Radio: 4+ channel transmitter required CG (center of gravity): 1.22 in (31mm) back from the leading edge of wing at wing root Recommended Battery: 1S 3.7V 150mAh 25C LiPo Flaps: No Approx. Flying Duration: 8-10 minutes Charger: 1S 300mA LiPo USB Charger Assembly Time: Less than 1 Hour Is Assembly Required: Yes Maginn 10/2/2014 P15462
Aero Club Flight Familiarization video Maginn 10/2/2014 P15462
Agenda Function Decomposition Background System Analysis Underlying Mission Problem Statement & Deliverables Customer Needs & Engineering Requirements Week 3 action item review System Analysis Function Decomposition Brainstorm Selection Criteria Pugh Chart Final System Selection Concept Feasibility Test Plan Updated Project Plan System Architecture Risk Assessment Maybe break into two slides? Second Slide devoted to System analysis – include the time we devoted to each one via font size or pie chart??? Remove slides : Existing Systems Team 15462 House of Quality Use Scenarios/Stakeholders Key Concerns Moving Forward 10/2/2014 P15462
Functional Decomposition Kennedy 10/2/2014 P15462
Functional decomposition Reach Desired Altitude Take-Off Method Engage Tether 10/2/2014 P15462
Functional decomposition Sustain Tethered Flight Flight Path Maintain Peak Altitude Cyclical Path Regulate Tension 10/2/2014 P15462
Functional decomposition Repeatable Flight Provide Soft Landing Easily Replaceable Parts 10/2/2014 P15462
Functional decomposition Record Data Respond to on Board Feedback Integrate with Base Station DAQ Capture Video Record Angle Record Tension Record length 10/2/2014 P15462
Functional Decomposition vs. Areas of Design Take Off Method Engage Tether Maintain Peak Altitude Maintain Cyclical Path Regulate Tension Soft Landing Easily Replaceable Parts Respond to feedback Record Angle Record Length Record Tension Capture Video Fuselage x Wings Horizantal Tail Fuselage Material Wing & Tail Material On-Board Electronics Take-Off Method Tether-to-Plane Connection Propeller Location Non-Destructively Achieve Tether Tension Flight Path On-Board Data Collection Program Non-Destructive Landing 10/2/2014 P15462
Agenda Brainstorm Selection Criteria Pugh Chart Background Underlying Mission Problem Statement & Deliverables Customer Needs & Engineering Requirements Week 3 action item review System Analysis Function Decomposition Brainstorm Selection Criteria Pugh Chart Final System Selection Concept Feasibility Test Plan Updated Project Plan System Architecture Risk Assessment Maybe break into two slides? Second Slide devoted to System analysis – include the time we devoted to each one via font size or pie chart??? Remove slides : Existing Systems Team 15462 House of Quality Use Scenarios/Stakeholders Key Concerns Moving Forward 10/2/2014 P15462
Benchmarking Benchmarking Table Ampyx Wing Design Positive dihedral, semi elliptical wing, high fixed angle of attack, flaps Tail Design Large primary T shaped rudder with small elevators Fuselage Design Mildly Aerodynamic/Box Fuselage with Protruding Pitot Tube Takeoff Mechanical-Electrical winch system Landing Lands on base of plane Maintaining Tension Constant reeling in and out of figure 8 pattern Tether Length (m) 300-600 meters Average Kw Creation 15kW Carl *Image from Ampyx Power 10/2/2014 P15462
Brainstorm Areas of Design Fuselage Design Wing Design Horizontal Tail Design Fuselage Material Wing & Tail Material On-Board Electronics Take-Off Method Tether-to-Plane Connection Propeller Location Non-Destructively Achieve Tether Tension Flight Path On-Board Data Collection Program Non-Destructive Landing Carl 10/2/2014 P15462
Selection Criteria Simplicity of Plane to Maintain Flight Path… (this wording is too complicated. We need to rephrase.) Ease of Manufacturing Safe Landing Development Time Initial Cost Simplicity of Take-Off Method Replacement Part Cost Tether Stress on Plane Weight Tether Impulse Mitigation Durability Simplicity of Plane to Maintain Flight Path… this is too wordy. I really think we should change this wording. 10/2/2014 P15462
Pugh Chart Selection Criteria Maginn Zebert Devin Kennedy Carl Datum (P14462 Bought Plane) Simplicity of Plane to Maintain Flight Path + Datum Initial Cost - Replacement Part Cost Weight Durability Ease of Manufacturing Safe Landing Develop Time Repair Downtime Simplicity of Take-Off Method s Tether Stress on Plane * Tether Impulse Mitigation Sum +'s 6 5 Sum -'s 4 Sum s's 2 1 3 Score -1 Kennedy 10/2/2014 P15462
Pugh chart Selection Criteria Maginn Zebert Devin Kennedy Carl Datum (P14462 Bought Plane) Simplicity of Plane to Maintain Flight Path + - s Datum Initial Cost Replacement Part Cost Weight Durability Ease of Manufacturing Safe Landing Develop Time Repair Downtime Simplicity of Take-Off Method Tether Stress on Plane * Tether Impulse Mitigation Sum +'s 5 3 4 Sum -'s 6 Sum s's 1 2 k -1 -3 -2 10/2/2014 P15462
Agenda Final System Selection Concept Feasibility Test Plan Background Underlying Mission Problem Statement & Deliverables Customer Needs & Engineering Requirements Week 3 action item review System Analysis Function Decomposition Brainstorm Selection Criteria Pugh Chart Final System Selection Concept Feasibility Test Plan Updated Project Plan System Architecture Risk Assessment Maybe break into two slides? Second Slide devoted to System analysis – include the time we devoted to each one via font size or pie chart??? Remove slides : Existing Systems Team 15462 House of Quality Use Scenarios/Stakeholders Key Concerns Moving Forward 10/2/2014 P15462
Final System Selection Areas of Design Final System Fuselage Design Box-Shaped Football Wing Design Linear Taper, Fixed Angle of Attack, Dihedral, Flaps Horizontal Tail Design H shaped Tail Fuselage Material Foam Wing/Tail Material CF Strip Leading Edge, Foam On-Board Electronics In-Flight Data Recorder with Software Plane Take-Off Method Propeller hand launch Plane-to-Tether Connection One Point/Ball and Socket Joint Prop Location Nose Cone with folding Prop Non-Destructively Achieve Tether Tension Hand Spool Flight Path Offset Vertical Circle Non-Destructive Landing Land on Airframe "Smooth" Devin 10/2/2014 P15462
Final System Selection Sketch Devin 10/2/2014 P15462
Concept Feasibility - Flap Feasibility analysis (1) (2) (3) 10/2/2014 P15462
Concept Feasibility - Flap Feasibility Analysis Cont. 10/2/2014 P15462
Concept Feasibility - Flap Feasibility Analysis Cont. 10/2/2014 P15462
Concept Feasibility-Winch System Means of takeoff since propeller alone is insufficient Pros: System has off board source of power Cons: Mechanical-Electrical system is expensive Alternative Method-Man Powered More affordable Is it feasible? Yes! The method is called a Towline Launch. Towline launch In this method another person runs along the ground pulling a 50-to-150-metre (160 to 490 ft) line with the glider attached to the end, while the pilot steers it. It can be performed on any flat piece of terrain, as the glider is given sufficient altitude during the launch. A variation of this method uses a pulley with the line staked to the ground and the line passing around it before going to the glider. The tow man runs with the pulley (still running away from the pilot) which doubles his effective speed. A variation of this is used in F3J competition when two tow men run with the pulley to generate much faster launches (although the models have to be sufficiently strong to handle the loads placed upon them by this method) which allows the model to use the energy to "zoom" (the model is pointed downwards briefly to convert the stored energy in the stretched monofilament line into airspeed, and once the airspeed exceeds the towline speed the line is released, before being rotated into a nose high attitude and the speed being converted back into additional height). 10/2/2014 P15462
Feasibility Study: Foam material I think I’d also like to include Fiberglass for comparison… 10/2/2014 P15462
Concept Feasibility – Folding Propeller Benefit: Less drag in unpowered flight More durable in nose first crash Interfaces with normal RC components Feasibility Test Plan: Test Flight with purchased glider Per Person Due by: Week 9 10/2/2014 P15462
Concept Feasibility – Infinity Flight Path Benefit: Longer Sections of Full Tether Tension Feasibility Test Plan: Test Flight with purchased glider Test Flight with first tethered prototype Per Person Due by: Week 9 Week 12 *Image from Ampyx Power 10/2/2014 P15462
Concept Feasibility – Dihedral Analysis Upward angle of wings from the horizontal Heavy influence on the Dihedral Effect Amount of roll moment produced per degree of sideslip Also influenced by wing sweep, vertical CG Higher dihedral angles generate higher roll moments Stabilizes Plane against crosswinds Per Person 10/2/2014 P15462
Concept Feasibility – Dihedral Analysis CONT. 10/2/2014 P15462
Concept Feasibility – Dihedral Analysis CONT. 10/2/2014 P15462
Concept Feasibility – Dihedral Analysis CONT. 10/2/2014 P15462
Agenda Updated Project Plan System Architecture Risk Assessment Background Underlying Mission Problem Statement & Deliverables Customer Needs & Engineering Requirements Week 3 action item review System Analysis Function Decomposition Brainstorm Selection Criteria Pugh Chart Final System Selection Concept Feasibility Test Plan Updated Project Plan System Architecture Risk Assessment 10/2/2014 P15462
Updated Project Plan Zebert 10/2/2014 P15462
System Architecture Glider Fuselage Base Station Remote Control Tether Wings Horizontal Tail Vertical Tail Propeller On-Board Feedback System Zebert Ailerons Elevators Rudder Motor On Board Control Electronics 10/2/2014 P15462
Risk Assessment Maginn 10/2/2014 P15462
Risk Assessment (Cont.) 10/2/2014 P15462
Sources Kennedy 10/2/2014 P15462