Assessment – using the Moodle assignment Rachel Applegate & Yvonne Moore
Technology Enhanced Learning Faculty Learning Technologists – Learning Enhancement Adviser – Dr Tracey Madden Centre for Learning & Technologist (CLT) TEL Team - Academic staff development - Mention Moodle Support Hub as sources of guidance
Today’s workshop We aim to: Part 1 (1 hour) Explain how to set up a Moodle assignment submission point Outline key assignment settings and their implications (e.g. Blind (anonymous) marking, Turnitin, Marking workflow) Explain the student’s view of assignment submission and feedback Give an overview of the methods for entering marks and feedback (individual marking, bulk download and import, PDF annotation, rubrics) Explain the link between Moodle and SAMIS Part 2 (1 hour) Practical activity – practice the assignment marking and feedback process Q&A – have you used the assignment tool? In Part 1, we will demonstrate Moodle functionality – highlight settings including important points and the effect for students. Here to identify the settings with tend to raise issues or queries. In Part 2 (optional) you can complete a practical exercise (set up in a demo training space) to practice the marking process. We will be on hand to answer questions You may choose to complete Part 2 in your own time.
Access TurningPoint Session ID: TEL2000 So we can get some input from you about your experience using Moodle assignments, as we go along
Why use the Moodle assignment? For students to submit written work electronically Stores and tracks electronic submissions and feedback in one place Simple for students Transparent for staff teams Allows automated submission to Turnitin for plagiarism detection Facilitates anonymous marking Can use the submission point for students to submit ‘online text’ (e.g. a link), or to return feedback on ‘offline’ events (e.g. presentations) Other approaches to e-assessment in Moodle include Quizzes (to be covered in other support resources) Using databases
How confident do you feel with using the Moodle assignment tool? I’m a novice I know some basics I’m an advanced user
How to create an assignment 1. First, turn editing on 2. Scroll down to your chosen topic 3. Choose Add an activity or resource 4. Select Assignment, then Add 5. Expand all to view all the settings on one page Show Add activity Show assignment settings Expand all Will go through key settings in more detail
Availability You must have a Due date if you are using Turnitin Due date vs. Cut-off date Can apply extensions for individuals (more detail to follow) Don’t change the Due date or Cut-off date if you use Turnitin – so you will have to re-create your assignments at the start of each academic year Some settings must be applied when you first create the assignment, and should not be changed later (e.g. submission deadline if you are using Turnitin)
Which forms of online submission do you use? Word document (e.g. essay) PDF document (e.g. report) PowerPoint presentation Weblink (e.g. link to e-portfolio or blog) Other
Which forms of feedback do you provide? Download and annotate files Annotate PDFs within Moodle Audio feedback Video feedback Other
Submission types Can use ‘online text’ for short submissions, or submitting a web link (students type straight into box) Can disable ‘file submission’ if you want to use it for feedback only (e.g. on an in class presentation)
Feedback types Using Bath version of grading worksheet Allows you to download assignments in bulk, and a ‘grading worksheet’ The ‘Bath version’ includes the Student Number (making it easier to enter marks in SAMIS afterwards) – it will only display the student number after Student Identifies have been revealed
Submission and group submission settings Require students to click submit button – students have two stage submission process: 1. upload file (draft), 2. submit (final) > can no longer be edited Recommend to use default (require students to submit = NO) with anonymous marking For group submissions, only use these settings if you want students to make submissions in groups (don’t use them if you just want to be able to filter by group for your own purposes – see common module settings) recommend to set up Groups and Groupings first, then enable Students submit in groups (advice in Moodle Support Hub, will be developing a screencast) Default setting Require all group members to submit = NO: the first file uploaded is the submission for all group members. If you have no groups set up, it will populate the submission for all students!! You can change the settings to require all group members to approve the submission
Notifications Notify graders? Provides notification for each submission Goes to all ‘Teachers’ and ‘Non-editing Teachers’ on the course Not recommended for large cohorts Late submission notifications can be useful ‘Notify students’ Depends if you are providing feedback to students straight away (e.g. formative feedback) – use default setting yes If you have a moderation process (e.g. using marking workflow), use default setting no You can override the default notification setting on a case by case basis If you use the default setting ‘Notify students’ = YES, and anonymous marking, then a notification message will be sent when student identities are revealed
I have used Turnitin plagiarism checking software before True False
Turnitin If you enable Turnitin, you cannot ‘reuse’ an assignment submission point (e.g. by updating the Due Date or duplicating it). You must recreate the submission point for each new cohort of students.
Turnitin Make sure you enable Turnitin at the time you set up your assignment (you shouldn’t apply this setting at a later stage, once you’ve saved your assignment) Double check your Due Date, as you won’t be able to change that if you are using Turnitin It’s recommended to use the Default settings for Turnitin
Grade Grade type Point = most common – maximum points 100 = % mark Can change this setting to None if you wish to provide formative feedback comments only (although it won’t let you track the ‘grading status’ unless you have a Grade) Can change setting to Scale if you wish to use, for example, a Pass / Fail grade – this involves setting up a scale = advanced Advanced level (scales, rubrics, marking guides) – arrange one-to-one training / we will develop screencasts / can also get support from Faculty LEA for developing assessment criteria
Grade – advanced grading Marking guide Example rubric Can change the Grading method to Rubric or Marking guide = advanced Rubric = select from predefined statements (levels) for each criterion Set up assessment criteria in advance Make them visible to students in advance – helps students to situate their own work on a relative scale Can add comments for each criterion to personalise the feedback Useful when you have multiple markers You must assign a mark to each criteria (but you don’t have to show them to students if the feedback is formative) Marking guide = predefined criteria, with a comments box for each Set up marking guide in advance Gives a structure to feedback comments Can build up ‘frequently used comments’ bank
I have used blind marking in Moodle before True False
Grade – using blind marking Moodle Support Hub Moodle setting =‘blind’ marking = what we call anonymous marking Must be set up when submission point first set up and saved for the first time Cannot be applied after students have made a submission Will have to re-create assignment submission point for each academic year Moodle will show a Participant ID – this is a randomly generated Moodle ID When you Reveal student identities, you will see student names If you have used the Bath grading worksheet, if you download this after revealing identities, you will see the SAMIS number It is fine to reveal identities after marking is complete, but before you upload the marks to SAMIS How to deal with extension requests – use Moodle groups Can you reveal a single student’s identity? - no
I coordinate or mark assignments with more than one marker True False
Grade – using marking workflow Use marking workflow – can set marking workflow state – once Released, reveals feedback and marks to students Useful if you have multiple markers, or moderation of feedback and marks (e.g. by a Director of Studies) Use marking allocation – you can assign a marker to a submission Teachers will only see the submissions assigned to them Moodle assignment can’t do double blind marking! (come and see us…) – ADVANCED
Student View
Overview of marking methods, the settings you need, and when you might use them
Overview of grading window Submission / grading status You can view the feedback comments, feedback files and Grade here Grant and track extensions Track the submission status and marking workflow status Late submissions are highlighted You can view the submitted files here Overview of grading window Submission / grading status Late submissions Extension requests
Downloading marks for import to SAMIS Use the Grading worksheet (Bath version) Once student identities are revealed, contains the Student ID number for easy matching to SAMIS record Bath grading worksheet contains SAMIS ID (once Student Identities are revealed) It’s fine to lift anonymity once marking is complete (before marks are entered in to SAMIS
Practice View our screencasts Create an assignment (use your own Moodle course) Go back to a previous submission and practice exporting files and marking sheet We’re on hand to help – just ask!