Cycling in Edinburgh – 2016 Current position and potential Active Travel Action Plan – key actions for cycling Recent and current initiatives Cllr Cammy Day 13 June 2016
Potential for growth – how people see themselves Answers to ‘how do you see yourself’ question in “BikeLife” project 7.3% of journeys to work by bike in 2014 a 11% increase in total number of cycle trips 2013 to 2014 b More investment 5% transport budget in 2012-13 Rising by 1% pa 9% in 2016-17 +£1M Community Links Funding a= 2011 census factored by automatic counts b = automatic counts
Cycle investment prior to ATAP 1980-90’s – disused railways converted to cycle paths 1990’s – on-road facilities Advanced Stop Lines, cycle lanes, integration with bus priority schemes 2000’s – National Cycle Network, 20mph zones Active Travel Action Plan
Active Travel Action Plan (2010 - 2020) Infrastructure Education Maintenance Marketing Production of ATAP was a commitment in 2007 LTS
Health Benefits of Active Travel Cycling and walking is good for our environment, our health, is affordable and sociable Healthier lives and increased life expectancy No emissions – cleaner air and less impact on others Reduces stress and increases confidence Incorporates exercise into everyday travel
Infrastructure: a twin-track approach Target market = everyone! Quiet streets, off-road paths and protected on-street infrastructure High quality & continuous ‘QuietRoutes’ Target = consider cyclists in all street design Residential Bike Parking Advance stop lines main road corridors advance stop lines one way exemptions Cycle Friendly City
Marketing - Smarter Choices Trying to move away from guesswork: Focus Groups to test branding and naming Household Survey to help identify target audiences
Cycle training and ‘School Streets’
NCN1 Meadows to Innocent Railway QuietRoute link
Roseburn to Leith Walk: Proposed QuietRoute link
Cycling growth & infrastructure 2020 target 7.3% 2014 Progress JTW – but behind. Some relationship between infra and cycling increase
Bike Life will help us to: Identify what people in Edinburgh want for cycling Monitor cycling trends in Edinburgh Use this data to inform our decision making Understand and promote cycling as part of making Edinburgh one of the UK’s most liveable cities: A healthy and active population Better air quality and less CO2 A more accessible and people-friendly street environment Economic benefits of more cycling than driving Sustrans is collaborating with seven cities in the UK – Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Greater Manchester and Newcastle – to report on progress towards making cycling an attractive and everyday means of travel. Bike Life is inspired by the Copenhagen Bicycle Account, and is an assessment of cycling development including cycling conditions, new initiatives, and satisfaction with various aspects of cycling. This is the first of two reports, with the second being published in 2017. The information in this report comes from local data, including a representative survey of over 1,100 residents in Edinburgh. More details on the report findings and methodology can be found at Our thanks to the people of Edinburgh who took part in the survey and who volunteered to have their photos taken for this report. Bike Life Edinburgh celebrates these changes and underlines the important role cycling can play in making Edinburgh one of the most liveable cities in the UK. More cycling and walking, and less car use, help us move towards a cleaner, healthier, more sustainable Edinburgh; a place where people can thrive. A clear message from Bike Life is that people in Edinburgh want to be able to cycle more and I am looking forward to the challenge of helping to make this possible.
Active Travel Action Plan: A Partnership for change