Possible connections to R(D(*)) and the AMM of the muon Andreas Crivellin Theory Group of the Laboratory for Particle Physics Possible connections to R(D(*)) and the AMM of the muon CERN, 19.05.2017
Introduction: New Physics and LFV b→sμμ b→cτν aμ Outline Introduction: New Physics and LFV b→sμμ b→cτν aμ Simultaneous explanations with LQs Conclusions Andreas Crivellin
LFUV Hints for LFUV Lepton Flavour Universality Violation (LFUV) Electron channels: SM like b→sµµ 5-6σ R(D(*)) 4σ h→τµ 2σ aµ 3σ τ→µνν 2σ Lepton Flavour Universality Violation (LFUV) Andreas Crivellin
Chiral enhancement or very light particles aμ explanations MSSM tan(ß) enhanced slepton loops Scalars Light scalars with enhanced muon couplings Z’ Very light with τμ couplings (mτ enhancement) Leptoquarks mt enhaned effects e.g. D. Stockinger, hep-ph/0609168 e.g. A. Broggio et at. arXiv:1409.3199 A.C. et al. arXiv:1507.07567 e.g. W. Altmannshofer, C. Chen, P.S.B. Dev, A. Soni, arXiv:1607.06832 e.g. A. Djouadi et al. Z.Phys. C46 (1990) M. Bauer, M. Neubert, 1511.01900 Chiral enhancement or very light particles 8
Scalar Leptoquarks in aμ Chirally enhanced effects via top-loops Left-, right- handed muons-top coupling E. Leskow, A.C., G. D'Ambrosio, D. Müller arXiv:1612.06858 Z→μμ at future colliders 8
Even high scale NP explanations possible b→sμμ explanations Z’ Leptoquarks Loop effects Talks of David Straub and Javier Fuentes-Martin Talks of Ben Gripaios and Ivan Nisandzic Talk of Yotam Soreq Even high scale NP explanations possible
R(D) & R(D*) explanations Charged scalars Problems with angular distributions and Bc lifetime W’ Leptoquark Strong signals in qq→ττ searches R. Alonso, B. Grinstein and J. Camalich, 1611.06676 A. Greljo, G. Isidori and D. Marzocca, 1506.01705 Talk of Mariano Quiros Faroughy et al. 1609.07138 Explanation difficult 8
R(D(*)) and b→sττ with Leptoquarks Large couplings to the 2nd generation needed in order avoid collider bounds. Cancelation in b→sνν needed: C(1)=-C(3) Bs→ττ very strongly enhanced R. Alonso, B. Grinstein and J. Camalich, 1505.05164
Lepto-quarks Leptoquarks? h→τμ aμ R(D(*)) b→sμμ Z’ gauge boson Higgses (Scalars) h→τμ aμ Lepto-quarks b→sμμ R(D(*)) Z’ gauge boson Andreas Crivellin
R(D(*)), b→sμμ and aμ with Leptoquarks Scalar leptoquark singlet + triplet with Y=-2/3 Cancelation in b→sνν imposed AC, D. Mueller, T. Ota 2 out of 3 can be explained
Lμ-Lτ model for aμ and h→τμ and b→sμμ W. Altmannshofer, M. Carena, AC, 1604.08221 Lμ-Lτ flavour symmetry Flavon mixes with the Higgs is protected is not protected Effects in 30
Lμ-Lτ model for aμ, h→τμ and b→sμμ Can explain aμ & h→μτ without violating τ→μγ bounds
Exiting times in flavour physics are ahead of us! Conclusions Intriguing hints for Lepton Flavour Universality violating New Physics Leptoquarks are a promising solution to the anomalies Lμ-Lτ can explain the AMM of the muon, b→sμμ and h→τμ R(D(*)) aμ R(K(*)) NP Exiting times in flavour physics are ahead of us! Andreas Crivellin