Anglický jazyk Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 4. Mgr. Helena Slaninová VY_22_INOVACE_SLA_AJ.4_2_23
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930)
Answer the questions 1. What was his nationality? 2. What was his original profession? 3. What kind of literature did he write? a.) b.) c.) d.) 4. What do you know about his personal life? a.) family b.) sports c.) politics d.) spiritualism 5. Why is the character of Sherlock Holmes important? 6. Can you describe Sherlock Holmes´ character? a.) thinking b.) mood, ego c.) eating habits d.) personal life 7. Can you describe Sherlock Holmes´ appearance and habits? a.) face b.) clothes, tools c.) smoking d.) any addictions
Answer the questions 8. What is Sherlock Holmes´ lifestyle like? 9. What is Dr. John H. Watson´s relationship to Sherlock Holmes? 10. Who was the worst enemy for Sherlock Holmes? 11. What is the ending in „The Final Problem“ novel? 12. Can you name at least 3 other works by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle? a.) b.) c.) 13. What is „The Lost World“ about? 14. Is „The Lost World“ popular nowdays somehow ? 15. Can you name 1 book you read and express your opinion about it?
Answers 1. What was his nationality? - Scottish 2. What was his original profession? - physician 3. What kind of literature did he write? a.) science fiction stories b.) historical novels c.) plays and romances d.) poetry (e.) non fiction 4. What do you know about his personal life? a.) family – married twice, had 5 children b.) sports – football goalkeeper, cricketer, bowler, golfer c.) politics – run twice for Parliament d.) spiritualism – interested in spiritualism, wrote books about it, Houdini´s friend 5. Why is the character of Sherlock Holmes important? a fictional detective, a major innovation in the field of crime fiction
Answers 6. Can you describe Sherlock Holmes´ character? a.) thinking – logical, solves difficult cases, very clever b.) mood, ego – often gets depressed, eccentric, bohemian, a bit arrogant c.) eating habits - starves himself at the times of intense intellectual activity d.) personal life – no family, children or wife, a loner, not many friends 7. Can you describe Sherlock Holmes´ appearance and habits? a.) face – a long, thin and sharp face b.) clothes, tools – wears a deerstalker hat, carries a magnifying glass c.) smoking – uses a pipe, less frequent cigarettes and cigars d.) any addictions – occasionally uses drugs (cocaine, morphine) 8. What is Sherlock Holmes´ lifestyle like? bohemian in habits, a loner 9. What is Dr. John H. Watson´s relationship to Sherlock Holmes? It´s his friend and a biographer, practical assistance, his right hand
Answers 10. Who was the worst enemy for Sherlock Holmes? – Professor Moriarty 11. What is the ending in „The Final Problem“ novel? – both Holmes and Moriarty plunged to their deaths down the waterfall in Switzerland 12. Can you name at least 3 other works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle? a.) A Study in Scarlet b.) The Coming of the Fairies c.) History of Spiritualism d.) The Great Boer War (e.) The Crime on Congo (f.) The Lost World (g.) The Lions Mane (h.) The Hound of Baskervilles 13. What is „The Lost World“ about? – it´s about an expedition to a plateau in Amazon where prehistoric animals still survive 14. Is „The Lost World“ popular nowdays somehow ? – it was made into series on TV 15. Can you name 1 book you read and express your opinion about it? Students´own answers
Použité zdroje AUTOR NEUVEDEN. [online]. [cit. 10.11.2012]. Dostupný na WWW: AUTOR NEUVEDEN. Arthur Conan Doyle [online]. [cit. 10.11.2012]. Dostupný na WWW: Text autorka DUMu Mgr. Helena Slaninová