European COoperation in Science and Technology PROGRESS REPORT on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with the WBC Svetlana Voinova COST Office, Brussels
Policy actions COST CSO to discuss the COST membership policy including questions related to international cooperation in December 2009 COST ‘Near Neighbour’ Policy The COST VADEMECUM (Guidelines) amended in October 2009 Future facilitation?
Important events, meetings, training activities Serbian Info Day in Belgrade, 29 June 2009 Information Day in Belgrade, 2 September 2009 C-Energy Training Session for NCP of FP7, 16 September 2009 COST at annual conference of the South East Europe Territorial Cooperation Programme (SEE) 14-15 October 2009
Important events, meetings, training activities - 2 COST Information meeting in Sarajevo COST Actions’ events in WBC and with participation of experts from WBC
Development of international cooperation and actions on integration into ERA COST concluded a Reciprocal Agreement to foster South Africa-COST interactions in June 2009. Following positive result of RA with Australia and New Zealand Budget 50 kEUR/year for 20 RA STSMs /year
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