EFIS update 20 February 2014 EFISMG(14)17.


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Presentation transcript:

EFIS update 20 February 2014 EFISMG(14)17

EFIS s/w versions Software versions uploaded this year: 3.3 Wed Feb 19 2014 New version come up quite frequently since it is much easier now to implement new features in the live system Notes: 1

Server Services IP/link Subversion SVN EFIS Tomcat test RDP SQL Server HTTP EFIS Tomcat public test (test.efis.dk) DB: EFISTEST2 EFIS Tomcat prod RDP HTTP SQL Server production RDP SQL Server (ecosql1) Seamcat/EFIS Trac server SSH HTTP VPN HTTP

New EFIS Design EFIS Web-Design and GUI/Layout Improvements – major items 1. Keep the ECO colours but modernise the layout Similar to the ECC webpage design Switch to Fixed Layout like the ECC Webpage. Include a basic content management system in EFIS Re-organisation of sections 5. Allocations, applications and radio interfaces – you can select one one or more countries -> search and compare merged Better explanations for the user

ECO Report 03 and EFIS PT1: Circular letter to CEPT administrations on the generation of ECO Report 03 from EFIS Following the task given by ECC PT1 in April 2012, ECO has been working on the generation of ECO Report 03 on the licensing of mobile bands in CEPT from the “Right of Use” module of the EFIS database. This method of producing ECO Report 03 would be an alternative to the traditional way of collecting relevant data from administrations by means of annual circular letter sent out by ECO at the beginning of each year. Remark: duplex feature exists now in EFIS Should ECC PT1 request EFIS/MG group to review the currently used application terms in EFIS so as to introduce those (such as UMTS, WiMAX, LTE) in the list of EFIS applications? Remark: alternative: technology in use field exists already in EFIS Would administrations prefer, in addition to the current national “full” accounts for updating information in EFIS, the creation of national ‘limited’ accounts for updating relevant entries for “mobile bands” in EFIS only. (this approach would, for example, allow the national experts currently involved in the update of ECO Report 03 to continue providing relevant information directly into EFIS in the future). Remark: this feature exists alredy (RTTE subclasses, 70-03)

ECO Report 03 and EFIS (II) In order for ECC PT1 to take a final decision on the method of generating ECO Report 03, ECO is requested to make a test generation for the “1800 MHz mobile band” (chosen as an example) in the very beginning of 2014 and present the results to the ECC PT1 meeting 14-17 January 2014. Therefore administrations are kindly requested to review and update the relevant national data in EFIS for this mobile band by the end of 2013 at the latest. EFIS software: PT1 feedback now available ‘flag’ NO for ECO Report 03 relevant RoU will be introduced (default ‘yes’ for all, valid only in relevant frequency ranges) 11 (8) countries RoU not yet in EFIS (which are in ECO Report 03) New features need to be used (duplex, technology in use) ECO Report 03 Table generation in a) relevant frequency ranges and b) ‘flag’ not NO presentation as per ECS frequency band (you can select one from a menu and the result is a table with all countries ECS – RoU in the selected ECS band) Table can be exported, also for ECO Report 03 generation

RTTE class 1 and class 2 information in EFIS Cooperation is without problems. RTTE equipment subclasses for class 1 and 2 (without notifications) is in EFIS and information can also be updated by the EC (limited account for this). Recent updating of subclasses in TCAM subgroup, mainly for 5th update of SRD performed. New subclasses will be available when next SRD update enters into force, July 2014. EFIS/ECA application terminology is fully used (no deviations). No software changes needed in EFIS.

ADCO RTTE During its meeting in Minsk (2012), WGFM discussed the current work on the ICSMS database that will be carried out on the basis of the newly ADCO R&TTE approved European data input form which will be used in future ADCO R&TTE campaigns. In that respect, we would like to inform you (WGFM sent an LS) about the EFIS application terminology system (in particular layer 3 of the application terminology). Indeed, we consider that it would be beneficial if the highest degree of correlation could exist in the terminology used in EFIS and the one used for market surveillance. No answer yet from ADCO R&TTE, work is reported to be in the “middle” in ADCO. EFIS/MG open to suggestions from ADCO regarding layer 3 application terminology. Unnecessary deviations between ICSMS and EFIS application terminology should be avoided. No news