Fundamental Economic Principles Community Principles Learning Rituals Course Map This Course: includes Performance Options Student: Critical Concepts Learned in these Units Civics & Economics Constructed Response Projects Compare and Contrast Cause & Effects Relationships Evaluation Simulations Role Play Problem Solving Debate Respect Cooperation Toleration Responsibility Course Organizer Cooperative Learning Unit Organizer Class Discussion Thinking Maps Analysis of Primary & Secondary Concept Maps Resources Content Enhancement Lecture Routines Research Video Clips Authority Change Choice Citizenship Compromise Conflict Democracy Diversity Freedom Equality Exchange Globalization Government Individual Rights Law Markets Needs/Wants Scarcity Taxation Technology Trade Responsibilities Resources Revolution War Effective Citizenship/ Foundations of American Government Fundamental Economic Principles Personal Financial Literacy The Living Constitution Federal & State Governments- 3 Branches American Political System: Politics & Elections NC Local Government America’s Legal System
Course Organizer Civics & Economics Grading Policy The Fall 2016 Teacher(s): Time: The Course Organizer Student: Course Dates: This Course: Course Progress Graph Course Questions: is about Grading Policy Love Fall 2016 Civics & Economics The foundation to becoming a more responsible, independent, and active citizen while learning about the American Revolution, creation of the Constitution, 3 branches of government, personal finance, and macro vs. microeconomics. Classwork/Participation 20% Homework 20% Quizzes 20% Tests/Projects 40% What were the causes and ideas behind the formation of the American government and political identity? How are the branches and levels of the US government organized in terms of structure, function, and relationships? In what ways are conflicts resolved in the American Legal System, and how do they interact to effect individual rights? What knowledge must a citizen possess in order to make informed personal financial decisions; why is this important? What are the various roles that the individual can take when participating government, and how democracy depends on active civic participation? How do factors of interdependence with regards to economics, impact a nation, and the successor failure of other nations? What is the role of the US government to stabilize economic institutions? How do political systems within and outside of the US work to balance competing interests? How do risk management strategies empower and protect consumers? What role do economic factors such as scarcity play in economic decisions? 1st Quarter 37.5% 2nd Quarter 37.5% Final Exam 25%