Engaging the European private sector in GEO Emmanuel Pajot, EARSC Senior Project Manager
EARSC EARSC is a trade association (non-profit Belgian company, 1989), dedicated to helping European companies providing services, including consultancy, or supplying equipment in the field of remote sensing. Our mission is: to foster the development of the European Geo-Information Service Industry to represent European geospatial-information providers, creating a sustainable network between industry, decision makers and users In 2016, EARSC became a Participating Organisation to GEO
EARSC’s members 90 members (80 full and 10 observers) from 22 countries in Europe
What does EARSC do? Provide information to our members on programmes, policy and the sector; Maintain a knowledge of the industry, i.e. statistics, market information, etc; Promote professional standards within the industry (certification); Promote the industry and its capabilities by: Creating links between EO services sector and other business sectors, e.g. oil & gas, insurance, public institutions; Organising events offering networking opportunities as well as focused information; Advocacy towards policy makers on issues of concern; Awareness and media.
The Starting Point: EARSC Position Paper Set out the numerous challenges facing the EO services sector today, such as: Fragmentation of European industry – some 450 companies in Europe, most are Micro/SMEs; Difficulty for companies to access Copernicus data; Challenge as US IT giants enter the geospatial arena; Procurement practices not well adapted to digital services; Promotion of European EO services in export markets around the world; Unclear boundary between public and private sector.
The Starting Point: EARSC Position Paper Address the changing market: Shifting to on-line services driven by data technologies, new satellite sources, a digital market Open data promoting innovation based on easy and effective access to data (of all types – Internet of Things, Sensor clouds etc.) Large volumes of EO data becoming available through EU investment in Copernicus and more, commercial missions. Long-term commitment of EU through 2016 space strategy communication. How big is this market potential? Difficult to predict, but changing rapidly Big IT players are taking an active interest suggesting that they consider it as a potential opportunity Majority of EO suppliers consider the market will evolve positively over next 5 years. The changing market for EO services within the digital economy – both bespoke & on-line - presents a real challenge for the industry.
What is EARSC’s Vision? A Co-operative Approach Marketplace Alliance EO services (MAEOS) with: A common identity where buyers can find European EO services, data and products of all kinds; Appropriate technical, legal, organisational and operational structures in place for the Marketplace to function; Operational platforms that link Copernicus and other geospatial data sources (public and private) on which to build EO Services; An environment whereby private initiatives can flourish (clear public / private roles). Our aim is to help overcome the fragmentation in the European industry, and enable companies to develop their business in a global market.
MAEOS tools: eoMALL eoMALL web-platform will enable European companies to: Reach new customers & new markets and develop their business; Offer new services meeting customer needs; Develop new partnerships and overcome the strong fragmentation which exists in Europe; Address the challenges and benefit from the digital economy; Develop in a global market.
EO Service providers & Brokers eoMALL eoMALL web-platform will enable companies to promote their on-line services in a global market and assist (new) customer. Customers’ search for a service which corresponds to their specific needs: Service level, information provided, speed of response, quality levels, etc; Provide support for customers on what the service means. Suppliers services feature on the site: Support several sales channels ie their own web-site and/or brokers; Provide help to suppliers on creating, promoting and selling services; Feedback on customer preferences and ratings. Search & Support eoMALL EO Service providers & Brokers Customers Promote & Advertise Customers’ search for a service which corresponds to their specific needs: Service level, information provided, speed of response, quality levels, etc; Provide support for customers on what the service means. Suppliers services feature on the site: Support several sales channels ie their own web-site and/or brokers; Provide help to suppliers on creating, promoting and selling services; Feedback on customer preferences and ratings.
EARSC Participation in GEO GEO has been tasked with fostering engagement with the private sector: EARSC participates to GEO meetings to share opinions on industry views at the European level, exchange documents of common interest and cooperate on projects or promotional activities where relevant; EARSC informs the industry on GEO’s goals and actions EARSC goal is to develop a real partnership. EARSC also engages through Projects eg. ConnectinGEO GEO-CRADLE NextGEOSS EARSC is one of th only industry representative
EARSC Role: Links with the private sector, European EO product award Under the umbrella of GEOSS and the EU funding aimed at linking existing coordinated Earth observation networks with the science and technology (S&T) communities, the industry sector and the GEOSS and Copernicus stakeholders. Objective: Enable a European Network of Earth Observation Networks (ENEON) including space-based, airborne and in-situ observations networks Provide a methodology to convert the knowledge needs in the GEO SBAs derived from GEOSS Strategic Targets, the analysis of Copernicus services and the emerging SDGs into a coherent observation and measurement compendium for ENEON strategy and development. Apply the ConnectinGEO methodology to identify and assess the priority of gaps. EARSC Role: Links with the private sector, European EO product award SBA Societal Benefit Areas
EARSC European Product Award 2016: Encouraging companies to make use of data coming from GEOSS sources,but not limited, to build commercial applications (Award : Jeobrowser) 2017: Raise awareness on SDGs Deadline for application : 22 May 2017 Open to all EU companies
GEO-CRADLE GEO-CRADLE brings together key players representing the Balkans, North Africa and Middle East region and the complete EO value chain. Objective: to establish a multi-regional coordination network that will: Support the effective integration of existing EO capacities and promote the concrete uptake of EO services and data in response to regional needs Contribute to the improved implementation of and participation in GEO, GEOSS, and Copernicus in the region. EARSC Role: Support survey and analysis, Communication & dissemination build links to the players in the region, promote the industry, help develop our industry survey
The NextGEOSS project presents a new European vision of GEOSS data exploitation for innovation and business. NextGEOSS will help industry to develop a better understanding of GEO and to address these issues. Objective: to develop a centralised hub for Earth Observation data, where the users can connect to access data and deploy EO-based applications. EARSC role: “Opening up to the private sector” Promotion of GEOSS amongst the commercial sectors (webinars, articles, workshops) Developing links between NextGEOSS and eoMALL
Raising Industry awareness Eomag!: (3000+) Newsletter focused on communication on the capabilities of Earth Observation Industry and Initiatives Monthly report (to members) Publications: Copernicus Sentinel Benefits Case Studies Industry Survey (2017 edition available soon) EARSC Annual Report 66% somewhat familiar with GEO (2015 EARSC Industry Survey)
Building Awareness of the Sector -Internationally Past Meetings organised by EARSC: B2B @ AARSE, Kampla - October 2016 Next Meeting organised by EARSC: “Improving EO services industry involvement in EU space programmes and initiatives”, Brussels - 26 April B2B event @ 37th ISRSE, Pretoria - 8-12 May Workshop around NextGEOSS, Brussels - 4 or 5 July Industry event @ GEO Plenary, Washington (TBC) Other international actions MoU with Japan Space Systems E-LAN member AARSE : African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environement ISRSE : International Symposium of the Remote Sensing of the Environement