Review of compilation guidance Herman Smith UNSD 10th Meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts 13-15 April 2016, Paris
Outline of Presentation Introduction Procedure for the development of manuals, handbooks and guidance notes Publications by the ISWGNA members Completed In progress Planned Issues for discussion
I. Introduction Development of manuals, handbooks and guidance notes for the national accounts, and also recommendations for the compilation of basic economic statistics The aim is to provide practical compilation guidance on national accounts and supporting statistics as well as to address data quality and dissemination They contribute to strengthening statistical capacity for compiling national accounts Responsibilities for the preparation of the publications are shared among the ISWGNA members
II. Procedure for the development of manuals, handbooks and guidance notes Important for coordination of on-going and future efforts To support this objective, a procedure was established Issues papers on plans for compilation guides, handbooks and guidance notes be prepared by the lead organization, forming the basis for coordination by the ISWGNA The ISWGNA will review the needs for developing manuals, handbooks and guidance notes in consultation with the AEG
Procedure for publications dealing with clarifications and interpretations of the SNA Proposal Issues paper on a suggested topic to be submitted by the lead organization to the ISWGNA ISWGNA review the needs for developing manuals, handbooks and guidance notes in consultation with the AEG Drafting Creation of a review or expert group for the development of the material is required Interpretations and clarifications need to be resolved according to the update procedures of the SNA before it can be used in the publication Global consultation Final draft to be circulated for global review for a period of 60 days Revision of the text in light of the results of the global consultation
III. Publications by the ISWGNA members The ISWGNA has made good progress in publishing handbooks The publications developed by the ISWGNA are presented in three categories in the report to UNSC: completed publications publications in progress planned publications Focus here on planned and in progress publications
Publications in progress Handbook on Rapid Estimates (Eurostat/UN) Currently undergoing an expert review prior to global consultation (3Q 2016) Handbook on Cyclical Composite Indicators (Eurostat/UN) Currently undergoing a global consultation (1Q 2016) Handbook on the compilation of Supply and Use tables and Input Output tables (UN) Draft for global consultation is being finalized (3Q 2016) Handbook on non-profit institutions in the SNA (update, UN) Draft for global consultation is being finalized Handbook on National Accounting Backcasting Methodology (UN) First draft is being finalized Revised handbook on price and volume measures (Eurostat) Quarterly National Accounts Manual (update, IMF)
Planned publications - System of Extended International and Global Accounts (UNSD) - Compilation Guide on Inventories (Eurostat and OECD) - Handbook on the Compilation of Information on the Distribution of Income, Consumption and Savings Across Households Consistent with National Accounts (OECD) - Compilation Guide to Statistics on Natural Resource Industries (IMF) - Guide on Measuring Human Capital (ECE) - Handbook on Cultural satellite accounts (UNESCO) - Aviation Satellite Accounts (ICAO)
IV. Issues for discussion The AEG is requested to: Express views on the publications in progress; Express views on the planned publications; and Propose other topics for the development of manuals, handbooks and guidance notes on national accounts and supporting economic statistics.
Thank you