The African Development Bank: How does it leverage Intellectual Capital? Our experience in harnessing intellectual capital to help accelerate sustainable.


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Presentation transcript:

The African Development Bank: How does it leverage Intellectual Capital? Our experience in harnessing intellectual capital to help accelerate sustainable inclusive growth in Africa.

52 years in development work

Some of the sectors we work in Education Infrastructure We have a breadth of knowledge across all these fields

Africa is transforming 2013-2022 Africa is transforming Tomorrow Today Yesterday 2013 – 2022… 2013 2001 Natural resources FCFs Vibrant middle-class Democracy Less armed conflicts ICTs innovation Demographic dividend

But there are still challenges…

Our mandate is to accelerate the transformation & address the challenges Our development interventions are driven by a deep commitment to combine human capital, financial resources and innovation to alleviate poverty

Call to action Inclusive growth Five core operational priorities 2 objectives to support transformation 3 areas of special emphasis Inclusive growth Five core operational priorities A continuum & regional approach Fragile States Infrastructure development Regional integration Private sector development Governance & accountability Skills & technology Age Gender Geography Agriculture & Food Security Supporting value chains Gradual transition to Green growth Economic empowerment, legal & property rights Gender Building resilience Sustainable infrastructure Managing natural resources

We need to sharpen our focus

We recognize IC as the most critical asset to achieve our strategic goals 81 Nationalities 2,500 employees 38%F - 62%M Intellectual capital development is a key sustainable/inclusive development objective. 1,176 Consultants 52% PG qualifications

Our approach to IC To harness the potential of Africa’s transformation by developing skills, knowledge & innovation for development. Supporting Africa’s development in haggier education. Represent operational frameworks for interventions in human capital development in

We are investing in IC Onboarding Hiring the best Building Capacity Harvesting & Sharing Knowledge Performance & Accountability Retention Nourishing the Pool Onboarding

We have built robust tools & resources to leverage IC Data Services Information KM Solutions Capacity Building ICT Network Innovation

We cannot do it alone! Our partnerships with other development players give us a unique experience in global development finance

Where do we stand now? 1964-67: 10 staff 23 MCs $250 M, 3 projects. 2016: 2500 staff, 81 MCs, $100B, 4,000 projects. $444 M for HE, S&T $5B next 10 years for HEST

Africa has never been wealthier than it is today Africa has never been wealthier than it is today. Yet, the levels of inequality remain high & keep increasing. To reverse this trend, collective action is needed from all stakeholders. As the premier financing institution in Africa, the AfDB will take IC development as a key objective.

As the most knowledgeable institution on Africa’s development issues, we will: Continue to do what we have been doing for a long time, but we will do it better Do more to enable our knowledge to grow and flow Listen more to our clients to better understand their needs Innovate continuously Remain open for collaboration

A common question surrounding the state of IC: What Next? A common question surrounding the state of IC: How soon the next generation disruptive technologies will impact IC? Are we ready?