Dyabola Archäologische Bibliographie Journal acronyms Click = next Libraries
Dyabola: journal acronyms -In this demo we search the Archäologische Bibliographie (aktualisierte Version des Realkatalogs) and the Sachkatalog der Römisch- Germanischen Kommission (RGK) Frankfurt -The other databases in Dyabola work like either the one or the other -This demo uses the English version
Enter the first characters of the acronym. Mind capital letters What does the acronym BABesch stand for? BA. The Realkatalog (DAI)
A list of articles is shown which cite the acronym BABesch Click any title
Click the acronym
The Sachkatalog (RGK) Enter the first characters of the acronym. Mind capital letters BA.
Here the journal title is shown immediately
Summary Realkatalog (DAI) -You are directed not to the journal, but to all titles in which the acronym is used -Select any title, click the acronym to see the full title Sachkatalog (RGK) -Shows the full journal title at once