Renewal Notices mailed by National Headquarters January, March and May Your National Headquarters will be sending direct-mail renewal notices January, March and May. To maximize the number of members renewing, it’s important that personal contact comes at or about the same time your members receive their renewal reminders in the mail.
Personal Contact is the KEY to Lifting Renewal Rates Personal contact is the key to lifting your renewal rate… it is important that we understand “timing is everything”. At the time your members are receiving their renewal notices it is important to also have personal contact.
Be Prepared Why should I belong? Be prepared. Often times we here the familiar response “What’s in it for me?” or “Why should I belong?”. If you are asked that question , make sure you know what you do in your local community.
Tell them about The American Legion and what you do for your local post does for the community. The American Legion is . . . . Tell them about the programs your post supports and help that that you provide to the members, and the veterans of the local community. It’s what you do in the local community that means the most to your members.
Use myLegion tools to contact un-renewed members. Using, post adjutant’s have access to identify members not yet renewed for the current year. myLegion provides a pre-written personalized renewal letter, mailing labels and roster to assist posts in their efforts to contact these members.
myLegion Report Server Reports/Labels Print mailing labels and reports from the new Report Server. Within these tools are found in the Report Server area.
myLegion Post Reports In the Report Server you will open the POST REPORTS folder to view available reports. ** The District Report Server does not include mailing label options or Commanders membership push folder. District and County sites do not include mailing label options or Commanders Membership Push folder.
Commander’s Membership Push myLegion Commander’s Membership Push At various times, the National Commander will cerate a membership incentive. National headquarters have planned direct mail campaigns for January, March and May. Additional email campaigns will be launched twice a month through the end of the membership year.
myLegion Produces results for all members of the post that have not renewed for the current membership year. This folder provides a expired roster for the post, a pre-written personalized renewal letter, and labels.
Commander’s Membership Push UnRenewed_Letters myLegion Commander’s Membership Push UnRenewed_Letters To create a letter, first set the criteria. The post address, city, state, zip, contact title, contact name can be edited by clicking within the text box. These are personalized within letter. It is recommended to target delinquent members for the past 2 membership years. However, the filter options allows you to select only one group. ** You must also select to mail to all foreign and domestic addresses or using the pulldown menu you can suppress letters that would be mailed to foreign addresses. ** The sort option must be selected. Once all the criteria is selected, click on the View Report button.
Name Personalization Name Membership ID# Missing Information myLegion The letter automatically includes personalization and membership ID#. The bottom portion of the letter information we have on file for the member and provides a space where missing information on the member’s record can be added.
Dues Remittance Address Age of Post myLegion Post Information Post # Post City State Dues Dues Remittance Address Age of Post NOTE: If post information, dues or dues remittance address is not correct, please contact your state headquarters to update. The letter is personalized with your post name, city, post dues and post dues remittance address. The letter also includes how long the post has been chartered. ** Note: If any of this post information is not correct, please contact your state headquarters to update. ** Tri-fold the letter to display the name and address using a standard #10 window envelope. Tri-fold the letter to display the name and address using a standard #10 window envelope.
Post Membership Un-Renewed Letters myLegion Post Membership Un-Renewed Letters Print Letters To print the letter use the Export button. This allows you to export the letters in various applications. Selecting PDF produces a print only letter that is easy to send to your local printer.
myLegion When printing letters made sure your set your Adobe Reader to print to “Fit” page or “Shrink Oversized Page. It should be under a feature like “Page Sizing & Handling”. With a tri-fold and a stand #10 window envelope, your mailing should be simple. If you want a set of 3X10 labels to match your letters, make sure you choose the same Address Type and Sort options on your labels as you set on the letter.
myLegion Produces results for all members of the post that have not renewed for the 2017 membership year. This folder provides a expired roster for the post, a pre-written personalized renewal letter, and labels.
Post Membership Un-Renewed Labels myLegion Post Membership Un-Renewed Labels Select options and View Report Export to PDF Print labels Report renders one-column but will print 3-across 30/sheet. To create mailing labels, set the last paid year, address type, and sort information. Click View Report. The names and addresses will display in your browser as a single column. When exported to a PDF they will appear 3 rows across and 10 rows down. You can use any standard 30/sheet label.
myLegion Produces results for all members of the post that have not renewed for the 2017 membership year. This folder provides a expired roster for the post, a pre-written personalized renewal letter, and labels.
Post Membership Un-Renewed Roster myLegion Post Membership Un-Renewed Roster The un-renewed roster includes members paid for the previous two years. Select either last paid year or “select all” for both and View Report. Export the roster to desired application.
Mylegion Customer Service QUESTIONS? Mylegion Customer Service The American Legion National Headquarters 5745 Lee Road Indianapolis, IN 46216 800-433-3318