Warm Up Summarize the reasons for the rise of labor unions in the late 1800s. Would you have joined a union if you had been industrial workers during that time? Use at least 2 details to explain the reasons for your choice.
Academic vocabulary word of the day!! Perspective- Point of view/opinion. How someone feels about something. Their standpoint. What are some examples of perspective that you can think of? What are some synonyms of perspective?
Objective- SWBAT understand why so many people immigrated to the United States during the Industrial Age.
Immigrants from other countries contributed to the urbanization of the United States in the decades following the Civil War. Why would immigrants from other countries want to suddenly move to the United States? What would some positives be of immigrants coming to the United States? What might be some potential problems?
Positives- More people to work in the factories Positives- More people to work in the factories. People of different cultures coming together and learning from one another. Negatives- Overcrowding, crime, disease.
In the mid 1800’s, immigrants arrived from Greece, Russia, Hungary, Italy, and Poland. By 1907, Southern and Eastern Europe supplied 80% of all immigrants. Often times, people lived in neighborhoods together with others of the same nationality. Why would people of the same nationality live together in the same community? (Turn and talk)
Together they could speak their own languages, practice their own religions, and celebrate their own cultural festivities.
In addition to growing immigration from European countries, many people came to the U.S. from China and Japan after the Civil War. After 1900, immigration from Mexico also increased. They too brought unfamiliar languages and religious beliefs, and had a difficult time blending into American society.
Guided Practice As a class, we will popcorn read “Push Factors” and “Pull Factors” on page 577. What is the difference between the meanings of emigrate and immigrate? Why did people leave there home countries to come to America? Why did most immigrants choose to stay in America? What was the voyage like on ships to America?
Independent Practice Independently read the passage titled, “Entering the United States” on page 578. Answer the following comprehension questions: In a 6-9 sentence paragraph, explain what was the overall “pull” that drew people to America? What was the “push” that caused them to leave their native country? State at least 2 examples for each.
Group Work Consult the map on page 577, titled “Immigration, 1860-1919” and answer the following comprehension questions: Group 1- Which countries immigrants are shown on the map? Group 2- What country accounted for the largest number of immigrants? Group 3-Write a statement comparing immigration from Asia Group 4- What conclusions can you draw about immigrants from Europe and Asia?
Homework In a 5-7 sentence paragraph, why do you think the United States was seen as such a desirable place to live?