Presented by Becky Romine Creating a Resume Presented by Becky Romine
Pop Quiz!! What is a resume?
A resume is a list of education, jobs, and skills that relate to a job.
Pop Quiz!! What is a resume for?
A resume helps you get an interview.
How long should a resume be? Pop Quiz!! How long should a resume be?
A resume should be ONE PAGE!
Pop Quiz!! What is the most important information on a resume?
Your contact information!!
What personal information should be included on your resume? Pop Quiz!! What personal information should be included on your resume?
Your name and contact information!
Why do you need a resume? Best way to get an interview Required by most businesses Makes you memorable!
Employers think… Resume You Neat Organized No Mistakes Attention to Detail Looks Professional Careful and Competent
First Part of your Resume CONTACT INFORMATION!! Name Address Email Address Telephone Number AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE!!
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 Suzy Q. Student 123 Main Street Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 573-222-1234
Any achievements or honors Education Name of your School Include city and state Date you will graduate Any achievements or honors
Suzy Q. Student 123 Main Street Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 573-222-1234 Education: Jefferson City High School Jefferson City, Missouri Expected Graduation Date: May 2018
Experience What is Experience? Part and full time jobs Volunteer work Self-employment A+ experiences tutoring What to include: Job Title Dates of employment Company name City and state
Education: Jefferson City High School Jefferson City, Missouri Expected Graduation Date: May 2018 Experience: A+ volunteer in Kindergarten classroom August 2017 to present Moreau Heights Elementary Jefferson City, Missouri -cleaned, organized, made bulletin boards, helped students Babysitter June 2015 to present John and Jane Doe -cooked meals, cleaned kitchen, changed diapers, put kids to bed
A resume should: Use Action Verbs Use Short Statements Be Easy to Read Be One Page
A Resume Should NOT: Use the words “I, me, or my” Have references Have lies or exaggerations Be cluttered Have personal information (Social Security Number, age, sex, height, weight, disability, picture, etc.) Becky
Filling Out Job Applications Using a Pocket Resume Tool
What is a pocket resume???
This is a Pocket Resume!! It’s basically a CHEAT SHEET to help you fill out a job application!!
A Pocket Resume Contains: Contact Information Name, Social Security Number, Address with Zip Code, Phone Number Birthdate Employers names, addresses, and phone numbers References Names, address, and phone numbers High School name, address, and phone number
Filling Out an Application Using a Pocket Resume Best option: fill out applications at home using your Resume or Pocket Resume Second Best Option: fill out applications at job site using your Pocket Resume
Sample Job Application
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