It’s kinda drafty in here… Robotic arm challenge Sponsored by:
Please do not damage the tubing or syringes! Using your knowledge of gas laws and pressure, to build a robot arm out of the following materials which are provided to you. The robot arm must be at least 30cm in length and be able to pick up an empty cup at least 3 cm from the table surface. Your team should draw a sketch of their agreed upon design prior to construction. Please do not damage the tubing or syringes! Two pieces of cardboard One ring stand with attachments Two brads One large and one small syringe Two paperclips Tubing Two pipe cleaners 50cm of tape
The cup must be 30cm from the ring stand post. You may only be touching one syringe when the cup is in motion.
The team which can lift the heaviest weight by 3cm can drop their lowest grade this semester. You can’t drop your final exam grade.
Draw your robotic arm to scale on graph paper Draw your robotic arm to scale on graph paper. Be certain to include a scale on your paper.
Identify which gas law(s) can be applied to your design that describes how the cup can be moved.