**Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days** A Peek At The Week -In reading we are continuing to switch to our leveled reading groups. Students should be bringing home daily reading homework. -During math we will be continuing to make a group of 10 when adding two digits together. Students will work on making a 10 with the numbers 9 and 8 by breaking apart the other digit. Students will continue their work on addition and subtraction during center time. -Writing time will be used on writing a story about things we notice in our classroom and things we notice in our school. We will be taking observation walks to see what we notice in these two places. Students will work on using descriptive words to describe the things they see in the classroom and in the school. -Our Core Knowledge time will continue with our unit on the human body. This week we will focus on the muscular system and the digestive system. Homework Ideas -Please take time to read with your child every night for 10-15 minutes. -Continue work on the unfinished sprints that come home each day. Reminders Fall is here! Please send your kiddo to school with a jacket for that cold morning recess and those chilly afternoons. Looking Ahead -November 10th is the next MSA meeting. -November 16th are picture retakes. -November 23-27 NO SCHOOL for Thanksgiving break. Mrs. Hawkins’ First Grade News November 7th 2016 ozweifel@greeleyschools.org Extra News -We are out of Clorox Wipes again! If you would be able to donate a box, it would be greatly appreciated!!! We want to get rid of all of those germs that are making us sick! Specials this Week Monday- P.E. Tuesday- Computers Wednesday – Art Thursday- Music Friday- P.E. **Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days**