Chapter 13A. The Cold War
The Cold War USA and Soviet Union “Cold” Allies during WWII, soon became rivals “Cold” Never confronted each other directly Threatened one another with nuclear weapons Led to frequent conflicts on every continent.
Roots of the Cold War Supported democracy Supported Communism Competing belifes of USA and USSR led to the Cold War The United States The Soviet Union (USSR) Supported democracy Wanted free enterprise to spread Supported Communism Wanted it to spread
Communism Communism is a type of government and economic system (a way of creating and sharing wealth). Individual people do not own land, factories, or machinery. Instead, the government or the whole community owns these things.
Joseph Stalin Leader of the Soviet Union Promised a classless society To help all workers Created a brutal dictatorship exercised absolute control Opponents and critics Arrested Sent to gulags Forced labor camps
Conference at Yalta End of WWII Britain, USA, USSR met at Yalta to reorganize Europe Formed the United Nations Promotes international cooperation Agreed to allow free elections in the countries they liberated. Stalin never followed through. Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin
The Cold War Begins Soviets saw capitalist countries as a threat Created a wall of countries as a buffer against future invasions. Refused to give Poland free elections Placed Communist leaders in charge USA refused to give Soviets information about the atomic bomb Iron Curtain Trade between Eastern and Western Europe ended Closed off Eastern and Western Europe For 40 years, travel and communication was limited
USA’s Containment Policy The USA watches as the USSR and Communism spread through Europe Containment The USA would not try to get rid of Communism where it already existed Instead, we would would prevent Communism from spreading
Truman Doctrine President Truman did not want another situation like Hitler He wanted to stop Stalin and the spread of Communism Truman Doctrine Truman promised to support any country fighting Communism
The Marshall Plan, 1948 After WWII, much of Europe was destroyed Truman thought desperate people might turn to Communism Marshall Plan Created by George Marshall Believed money should be given to war-torn countries to rebuild their economies Positives Create allies Avoid chaos Aid to Germany and Italy Very successful
A Divided Germany After WWII Germany was divided into four occupation zones. USA, France, & Britain merged their sections=West Germany Berlin Capital of Germany Also divided into 4 Stalin blocked East Berlin from West Berlin
Berlin Airlift, 1948 Western allies would not abandon West Berlin Began a massive airlift to feed and supply the city Stalin wasn’t properly supplying East Berlin with food, clothes, funding, etc. US and allies showed they would not back down from Stalin
Soviet Aggression Behind the Iron Curtain Americans condemned Soviet acts of force, but never intervened. 1956 Soviets stopped an anti-Communist revolt in Hungary 1961 Started the Berlin Wall to keep East Germans from escaping Remains until 1989 1968 Conquered Czechoslovakia
Berlin Wall
Bell Ringer Using the textbooks or the internet to write 5 facts about the Korean War
China & Korea China Korea China becomes Communist Led by Mao Zedong Korean War 1950-1953 Communist North Korea invades Democratic South Korea USA/UN sends troops to help South Korea No real “winner”
Controversy President Truman fires Gen. Douglas MacArthur over issues in China and North Korea MacArthur was well loved, Americans were upset.
Arms Race Competition between USA & USSR over the amount and power of their weapons The US was originally the only country with atomic power. Soviet Union created an atomic bomb four years later. Both developed the hydrogen bomb (more powerful)within a year of each other.
Space Race Competition between USA & USSR to see who could get to space first Soviets launch the 1st satellite (Sputnik) Scared Americans and showed that the USA was scientifically behind the Russians. In response, the USA Created NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) American schools began placing more emphasis on math and science
The Cold War At Home Pres. Truman’s Loyalty Review Boards Investigated “un-American activities” Looked for people with possible Communist involvement House Un-American Activities Committee questioned actors, directors, writers, and others about Communist sympathies Those found guilty were “blacklisted” Lost their jobs, shunned, lives ruined, etc.
The Rosenberg Trials, 1950 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg charged with selling national secrets to the Soviet Union Found guilty and executed for spying 1997, the Venona Papers revealed names of several American spies for the Soviet Union. Julius Rosenberg was one of those names.
The McCarthy Hearings Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed that he knew of hundreds of Communists working in the government positions. Created a new Red Scare by raising fears. After three years of hearings, McCarthy never provided any real proof. The term “McCarthyism” has become identified with making harsh accusations without evidence.
On the back of your video guide: (Use the McGraw Hill textbook) Write the definition of the following terms: Baby Boom p.436: White-collar job p.436 Blue-collar job p.436 Rock’n’Roll p.439 Generation Gap p.439 Explain why each individual is important to US History” Dr. Jonas Salk p.437 Lucille Ball & Desi Arnaz p. 438 Alan Freed p.439 Chuck Berry p. 439-440 Jack Kerouac p. 440
Cold War Quiz Open note (BUT ONLY YOUR NOTES) Friday (ADay) 2/26 Monday (Bday) 2/29