Data Analytics for ICT
Course Content Weekly Schedule: Topics: Week 1: Introduction to data analytics and its usage in ICT Week 2: Basic Data Analysis techniques, Linear Regression, introduction to MATLAB and R software environment Week 3: Logistics Regression, Regression techniques for Predicting Customer Growth Week 4: Decision Tree, Classification and Regression Tree (CART) and Random Forest, modeling based on Decision Tree Week 5: Mid Term1 Week 6: Clustering - Hierarchical clustering and k-mean clustering, Data Visualization Week 7: Building models with Recommender system – collaborative filtering, content filtering, triangle closing Weekly Schedule: Topics: Week 8: Text Analytics - Bag-of-words, Sentiment analysis, Topic modeling, Term frequency- Inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) Week 9: Turning information on Internet into Knowledge using Text Analytics Week 10: Mid Term 2 Week 11: Building predictive models using Text Analytics for detecting threats, vandalism and email spams Week 12: Predictive models for detecting Web visitors and customer interests Week 13: Optimization techniques - Linear Optimization, Integer Optimization Week 14: Using models to optimize online sales while maximizing user satisfaction
Course Repository Lab Visit: 1 visit after every 4 classes Assessment: Midterm Exam 1: 25% (Written Exam + Assignment) Midterm Exam 2: 25% (Written Exam + Assignment) Term Final: 40% (Written Exam + Assignment) Presentation: 10% (Paper presentation by each students) References: Data Analytics Made Accessible: 2017 edition by Anil Maheshwari. Data Smart: Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight by John W. Foreman, Wiley, 2017. R in Action: Data Analysis and Graphics with R by Robert Kabacoff, Manning Publications, 2015. Required Software: R MATLAB
Introduction to data analytics The LinkedIn story What can we tell from data? Is it possible to link the type of fraud activity with DNA? Is it possible to tell customer credit risk history? Is it possible to tell metal health from online avtivities?