Advanced Energy Vehicle (AEV) Lab 06: AEV System Analysis 2 (Performance Analysis)
experimental Research AEV Project Objective (Problem Definition) Initial Concepts (Brainstorming) experimental Research (Programming) (System Analysis) ANALYZE DESIGN DECISION RESEARCH COMPARE PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 PT 4 System Analysis 1 is the beginning of analyzing the data that the Arduino produces and convert them into usable engineering units. FINAL DESIGN Present AEV Design
AEV Data Conversion Convert the EEProm into physical parameters of: Time (seconds) Current (amps) Voltage (volts) Analyze the data by calculating: Power (watts) Incremental Energy (joules) Total Energy (joules)
Time, Current, Voltage, & Power Distance t = time (seconds) tE = EEProm time (milliseconds) I = current (amps) IE = EEProm equivalent current VR = Arduino reference voltage V = Voltage (volts) VE = EEProm equivalent voltage Pin = Power in (watts) V = Voltage (volts) I = Current (amps)
Energy Remember that Energy is the area under the power versus time curve. A rectangle approximation of the power and time will be used to calculate the incremental and total energy. There are 3 approximation methods:
Energy The midpoint method will be used to calculate the energy. The midpoint method uses the averaged power of 2 neighboring points and multiplied by the time increment: Sum up the incremental energy for the total value used throughout the operation
MATLAB Functions Review The aevDataRecorder creates an excel file. To import the data into MATLAB, you can use: The Matlab Import Tool Home tab>Import Data Select only numerical data xlsread(‘filename’)
Things to Remember Executive Summary for Lab 06 Update Project Portfolio Study for Lab Proficiency Quiz (LPQ) Extra Credit Video (Due: Lab 07 (Part 1)) Continue to work on PDR (Due: Lab 09B)