Technology in the workplace By: Octavia Hardaway
How can you benefit from technology? While working full time I attend the University of Akron IT program full time. While being enrolled in this program I have learned some amazing tools that I believe has made me more efficient in my position here at Summit County Jobs and Family Services.
Staying Up to date We see a lot of clients who have trouble with reading or may be visually impaired. While being enrolled in the IT program I discovered a free tool called screen reader in which this program will assist the client by reading the information to him/her. Technology is constantly changing as Public Inquiries we have to make sure that we are staying up to date.
Facilitating safe internet usage. Our main goal is to serve our clients. We serve as facilitators. Our main goal is to educate each other and encourage all colleagues to exhibit safe internet usage in regards to our client. We have to ensure that we are protecting their information.
How can we make a difference? By attending lectures, and the proper training that teaches us how to ensure that we are protecting our classes safely and effectively. Security awareness of what’s acceptable and what is not acceptable is important.
Break time, or slow time equal selfie time. Its okay to take a quick selfie why you are on break. It is important to remember that we work with the public. Please be careful that before you snap pictures you are not around any paper work of the clients, or that you didn’t accidentally snap a picture of the client as well. It is our duty to provide clients with efficient service that protects them from any form of violation.