Jack and Roger Jack admits to sensing something fearful when he is alone in the jungle. To what does he compare this feeling? Extension: What is Golding telling us here about the dark side of the human mind?
Jack and the descent into anarchy Pick four moments from Chapter Four that show the following: the development of Jack’s character the threat of violence the loss of order a key moment in the plot Find a quote to back up your choice.
Jack A painted mask offers an external picture of what is happening within Jack – he is regressing to a primitive form. From what does the mask release him? After the first hunt, Jack proudly tells the others that he cut the pig’s throat, and yet he’ twitched as he said it’. What does this indicate about him? Extension: What effect might the hunters’ chanting have upon him?
Plenary Write down a list of words that the boy use when describing their hunt. What do they suggest to you?
Atavist An ATAVIST is someone who reverts back to the behaviour and attitudes or distant ancestors. Who can be seen as doing this? Extension: Can you give an example of how they are doing this?
Roger How are Roger’s sadistic tendencies revealed? Find a quote, which tells us that Roger’s behaviour is only tempered by his upbringing in the civilised world. Extension: What is Golding saying about the character of humankind?
How would they view the island? Ralph Piggy Jack Simon Extension: Level 7 students will find evidence from the text.