Evaluating Multi-Item Scales Health Services Research Design (HPM 225B) January 25, 2016, 1:00-3:00pm CHS 61-269 1
Iterative Development http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/UCM205269.pdf
Physical Functioning Ability to conduct a variety of activities ranging from self-care to running Predictor of Hospitalizations, institutionalization, and mortality Six physical functioning items included in 2010 Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Medicare Survey
Because of a health or physical problem are you unable to do or have any difficulty doing the following activities? Walking? Getting in or out of chairs? Bathing? Dressing? Using the toilet? Eating? I am unable to do this activity (0) Yes, I have difficulty (1) No, I do not have difficulty (2)
Medicare beneficiary sample (n = 366,701) 58% female 57% high school education or less 14% 18-64; 48% 65-74, 29% 75-84, 9% 85+
Item-Scale Correlations Walking (0, 1, 2) 0.71 Chairs (0, 1, 2) 0.80 Bathing (0, 1, 2) 0.83 Dressing (0, 1, 2) 0.86 Toileting (0, 1, 2) 0.84 Eating (0, 1, 2) 0.75 Possible 6-item scale range: 0-12 (2% floor, 65% ceiling)
Reliability Degree to which the same score is obtained when the target or thing being measured (person, plant or whatever) has not changed. Internal consistency (items) Need 2 or more items Test-retest (administrations) correlations Need 2 or more time points
Reliability Model Reliability Intraclass Correlation Two-way random Two-way mixed One-way BMS = Between Ratee Mean Square N = n of ratees WMS = Within Mean Square k = n of items or raters JMS = Item or Rater Mean Square EMS = Ratee x Item (Rater) Mean Square 10
Reliability Formulas Model Reliability Intraclass Correlation Two-way random Two-way mixed One-way BMS = Between Ratee Mean Square N = n of ratees WMS = Within Mean Square k = n of items or raters JMS = Item or Rater Mean Square EMS = Ratee x Item (Rater) Mean Square 11
Internal Consistency Reliability (Coefficient Alpha) (MSbms – MSems)/MSbms Ordinal alpha = 0.98 http://support.sas.com/resources/papers/proceedings14/2042-2014.pdf http://gim.med.ucla.edu/FacultyPages/Hays/utils/
Item-scale correlation matrix (“Multi-trait Scaling”) 13 13
Item-scale correlation matrix (“Multi-trait Scaling”) 14 14
Item-scale correlation matrix (“Multi-trait Scaling”) 15 15
Item Response Theory (IRT) IRT models the relationship between a person’s response Yi to the question (i) and his or her level of the latent construct () being measured by positing bik estimates how difficult it is to have a score of k or more on item (i). ai estimates the discriminatory power of the item.
Item Responses and Trait Levels Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Trait Continuum www.nihpromis.org
Normal Curve (bell-shaped) z = -1 to 1 (68.2%); z = -2 to 2 (95.4%); z = -3 to 3 (99.6%)
Threshold #1 Parameter (Graded Response Model) Physical Functioning 1st Threshold Unable to do Walking -1.86 Chairs -1.91 Bathing -1.72 Dressing -1.78 Toileting -1.87 Eating -1.98
Normal Curve (bell-shaped) z = -1 to 1 (68.2%); z = -2 to 2 (95.4%); z = -3 to 3 (99.6%)
Threshold #2 Parameter (Graded Response Model) Physical Functioning 2nd Threshold Unable to do or have difficulty Walking -0.55 Chairs -0.81 Bathing -1.02 Dressing -1.10 Toileting -1.27 Eating -1.53
Normal Curve (bell-shaped) z = -1 to 1 (68.2%); z = -2 to 2 (95.4%); z = -3 to 3 (99.6%)
Item Parameters (Graded Response Model) Physical Functioning 1st Threshold Unable to do 2nd Threshold Have difficulty Slope (Discrimination) Walking -1.86 -0.55 4.63 Chairs -1.91 -0.81 5.65 Bathing -1.72 -1.02 6.34 Dressing -1.78 -1.10 8.23 Toileting -1.87 -1.27 7.23 Eating -1.98 -1.53 4.87
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (Polychoric* Correlations) Dressing Eating Bathing Walking Chairs * Estimated correlation between two underlying normally distributed continuous variables Toileting Residual correlations <= 0.04
Item Characteristic Curves Unable to do I do not have difficulty Have difficulty
Reliability = (Info – 1) / Info
Validity Content validity: Does measure “appear” to reflect what it is intended to (expert judges or patient judgments)? Do items operationalize concept? Do items cover all aspects of concept? Does scale name represent item content? Construct validity Are the associations of the measure with other variables consistent with hypotheses?
Physical Function Scale Correlations r = 0.39 (self-rated general health) r = -0.23 (number of chronic conditions) Cohen's rule of thumb for correlations that correspond to effect size rules of 0.20 SD, 0.50 SD and 0.80 SD are as follows: 0.100 is small correlation 0.243 is medium correlation 0.371 is large correlation (r's of 0.10, 0.30 and 0.50 are often cited as small, medium and large, respectively).
Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Probability of choosing each response category should be the same for those who have the same estimated scale score, regardless of other characteristics Evaluation of DIF by subgroups
DIF (2-parameter model) Men Women White Slope DIF Location DIF AA I cry when upset I get sad for no reason Higher Score = More Depressive Symptoms 34
Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) Early research on CAT was funded by the U.S. military to enhance mental measurement. NASD = National Association of Security Dealers. In 1978 they began developing CAT for regulatory exam to assess knowledge of securities and securities future products among licensed brokers. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing starting using CAT in 1994.
Reliability Target for Use of Measures with Individuals Reliability ranges from 0-1 0.90 or above is goal SE = SD (1- reliability)1/2 Reliability = 1 – (SE/10)2 Reliability = 0.90 when SE = 3.2 95% CI = true score +/- 1.96 x SE T = z*10 + 50
In the past 7 days … I was grouchy [1st question] Never [39] Rarely [48] Sometimes [56] Often [64] Always [72] Estimated Anger = 56.1 SE = 5.7 (rel. = 0.68) Never: 39 Rarely: 48 Sometimes = 56 Often = 64 Always = 72
In the past 7 days … I felt like I was ready to explode [2nd question] Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Estimated Anger = 51.9 SE = 4.8 (rel. = 0.77)
In the past 7 days … I felt angry [3rd question] Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Estimated Anger = 50.5 SE = 3.9 (rel. = 0.85)
In the past 7 days … I felt angrier than I thought I should [4th question] - Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Estimated Anger = 48.8 SE = 3.6 (rel. = 0.87)
In the past 7 days … I felt annoyed [5th question] Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Estimated Anger = 50.1 SE = 3.2 (rel. = 0.90)
In the past 7 days … I made myself angry about something just by thinking about it. [6th question] Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Estimated Anger = 50.2 SE = 2.8 (rel = 0.92) (95% CI: 44.7-55.7)
Recommended Reading Cappelleri, J. C., Lundy, J.J., & Hays, R. D. (2014). Overview of classical test theory and item response theory for quantitative assessment of items in developing patient-reported outcome measures. Clinical Therapeutics, 36 (5), 648-662
drhays@ucla. edu (310-794-2294). http://gim. med. ucla 44