The JFK Assassination Please take into account that because this is such a widely known subject and has had lots of media and people with so many different assumptions that I can not be sure that all these facts are true.
Fact 1 At 12:30pm on the 22nd of November 1963 shots are fired from a sixth floor window as the Presidents limousine passes the Texas school book depository. Both the President and Governor were wounded and rushed to Parkland Hospital. There was a reported three shots two hit the President and one hit the Governor. From one bullet the Governor sustained three broken ribs, a punctured lung and a broken wrist by the time the bullet got logged in his left thigh. The Governors injuries were pronounced as critical and not fatal.
Fact 2 At 1:00pm on the 22nd of November 1963 President John F. Kennedy aged 46 is pronounced dead making him the 4th President to be assassinated in office.
Fact 3 On the 22nd of November a 14 year old boy reported seeing Kennedy's face go blank at around 12:30pm. He also claimed to hear Mrs Kennedy say "God, oh god, no"
Fact 4 The JFK Assassination was the 4th presidential assassination that was less then 200 years old.
Fact 5 Mrs Kennedy's pink suit that she wore on the day of her Husbands assassination was never washed and is still stained with Kennedy's blood and it lies in the National Archives.
Fact 6 Kennedy's 98 year old grandmother Mary Josephine Fitzgerald was never told about his assassination.
Fact 7 Mrs Kennedy requested an eternal flame be put by her Husbands grave.
Fact 8 Mrs Kennedy modelled her late Husbands Funeral Ceremony after Abraham Lincolns Funeral.
Fact 9 the 25th of November the day of Kennedy's funeral was also his sons third Birthday.
Fact 10 Lyndon B. Johnson became president 99 minutes after Kennedy died.