PATH TO A JOB. 2ndTransnational meeting. MEETING PATH PROJECT Edenbridge April 2016 PATH TO A JOB. 2ndTransnational meeting. Rome, IT 18-19 October 2016
Path to a job Transnational meeting 9.30 Welcome coffee and Visit to the FMD’s Innovation Gym 10:30-11:20 Employment Context in Italy Youth and unemployment: the Rome context - Loredana Rui Reconstruction of the job search path in Italy - Efisia Aru Skills assessment guidelines and job skills – Ilaria Riccitelli 11.20-11.40 Coffee break 11.40-12.00 Agreements and responsibilities Minutes, 2nd Transnational Meeting (Edenbridge, April 2016) 12.00-12.30 Timeline and review of work plan. Intellectual outputs BBPP Database (O1) Methodological guide (O2) Web (O3) Virtual mobility Multiplier events (local events, final events) 12.30-13.30 Financial and management issues Payment calendar Accounts, records and documentation to support the expenditure incurred. Day 1- 18/10/2016 Including verius
Path to a job Transnational meeting 13.30 Lunch 16.30-18.00 Visit to the Youth Center “Batti il tuo tempo” Piazza di Cinecittà 11 (Subaugusta Metro A Station) 20.30 Dinner and socialising. Day 1- 18/10/2016 (cont.) Including verius
Path to a job Transnational meeting 9.30 Welcome coffee 10.00-11.00 Progress report. Compilation and validation. 11.00-11.30 Coffee break 11.30-13.00 Workshop: Good practices database and portal web. Good practices database: Critical review, translations and validation. Portal web: Critical review, tasks and responsibilities. 13:00 Lunch Day 2- 19/10/2016 Including verius
Path to a job Transnational meeting 14.00-14.45 Workshop: Elaboration of the methodological guide (O2): Comprehensive methodology for the accompaniment of young people with fewer opportunities in their path to a job. Expectatives and methodology. Work in groups. Tasks and responsibilities. 14.45-15.30 Communication and dissemination Communication. What do we do to improve communication and dissemination of the project? How to compile the evidence of communication and dissemination actions? 15.30-16.00 Coffee break 16.00-17.00 Evaluation Models/templates Evaluation indicators review and updating Tasks and responsibilities Evaluation of the transnational meeting: questionnaire and qualitative evaluation. Day 2- 19/10/2016 Including verius
Path to a job Transnational meeting PAYMENT CALENDAR PRE-PAYMENT Including verius PAYMENT OF THE BALANCE
Path to a job Transnational meeting ACCOUNTS, RECORDS AND DOCUMENTATION TO SUPPORT THE EXPENDITURE INCURRED. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION Signed Management Timesheets (contracts or agreements) Invoices (suplies, external services, etc.) + Reports TRANSNATIONAL MEETINGS Boarding pass Invoices (hotel, travel agency, transport, tickets, per diem, etc.) + Signatures, Certificate of attendance and Evaluation questionnaire TRAINING ACTIVITIES INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS Days of work. Signed Output Timesheets (contracts or agreements) Please, see the agreement!! Deliverabols Go over- repasar con intensidad So as to (para poder)verb Concerning/regarding/in order to
Path to a job Transnational meeting PROGRESS REPORT Validation of the compiled progress report elaborated by partners’ contributions. Deliverabols Go over- repasar con intensidad So as to (para poder)verb Concerning/regarding/in order to
Path to a job Transnational meeting WORKSHOP: Good practices database and project website Good practices database: Critical review, translations and validation. - Portal web: Critical review, tasks and responsibilities. Deliverabols Go over- repasar con intensidad So as to (para poder)verb Concerning/regarding/in order to
Path to a job Transnational meeting WORKSHOP: Methodological guide Expectatives and methodology. Work in groups. - Tasks and responsibilities. Deliverabols Go over- repasar con intensidad So as to (para poder)verb Concerning/regarding/in order to
Path to a job Transnational meeting WORKSHOP: Methodological guide. PATH TO A JOB. Comprehensive methodology for the accompaniment of young people with fewer opportunities in their path to a job. Description: Development of a methodological guide that provides organisations that work with young people and youth workers theoretical framework, principles, tools, case studies and examples for a holistic intervention and accompaniment in the process towards employment of young people with fewer opportunities. This is a guide to be published in digital and interactive format, under Creative Commons open license which will be accessible through the project portal web, the web of partners and to be disseminated to Erasmus+ platforms and through other dissemination channels. Deliverabols Go over- repasar con intensidad So as to (para poder)verb Concerning/regarding/in order to
Path to a job Transnational meeting WORKSHOP: Methodological guide. Structure (to be discussed): 1. Introduction 2. Youth Emploment Policy in the European Union. 3. Youth Unemployment in Europe: UK, Italy and Spain. 4. Excluded young people: analysis of target group. 5. A comprehensive methodology for the accompaniment of young people with fewer opportunities in their path to a job: 5.1 Principles of action: - Holistic coordination. - Participation and empowerment. - Non-formal learning - Entrepreneurship 5.2 Participants 5.3 Process 5.4 Tools 5.5 Monitoring 5.6 Assessment 6. Case studies and transferable elements. 7. Youth speak: testimonies of young people in job search processes. 8. Annexes Deliverabols Go over- repasar con intensidad So as to (para poder)verb Concerning/regarding/in order to
Path to a job Transnational meeting WORKSHOP: Methodological guide. DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: The development process of the guide will be participatory, through local working groups where young people participate directly. Shall coordinate the development Fundación Adsis with support from FMD and Friday People for contextualising the proposal in Italy and the UK and translations. Tasks: - Analysis and compilation of EU Youth Employment Policy. Fundación ADSIS - Compilation of youth unemployment data in UK, Italy and Spain. Friday People, FMD and Fundación ADSIS. - Participatory elaboration of the rest of parts of the methodological guide through transferable elements from good practices analysed and systematised, taking as principles of action: holistic approach, participation, non-formal learning and entrepreneurship. Fundación Adsis - Translations - Evaluation. The project will include a testing phase of the methodology in the participating organizations. Young people will be involved directly in the evaluation through specific tools and activities designed for that (focus groups, Likert tests, etc.) - Design, editing and layout of the guide. - Dissemination: media, interest groups, European dissemination platforms (Erasmus+ and others), etc. according to Dissemination Plan. Deliverabols Go over- repasar con intensidad So as to (para poder)verb Concerning/regarding/in order to
Path to a job Transnational meeting COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION What do we do to improve communication and dissemination of the project? How to compile the evidence of communication and dissemination actions? What about social networks? Deliverabols Go over- repasar con intensidad So as to (para poder)verb Concerning/regarding/in order to
Path to a job Transnational meeting EVALUATION Models/templates Evaluation indicators review and updating Tasks and responsibilities Evaluation of the transnational meeting: questionnaire and qualitative evaluation. Deliverabols Go over- repasar con intensidad So as to (para poder)verb Concerning/regarding/in order to