Organization: St. Anthony’s Program: Wellness LONG-TERM IMPACT Ownership PROBLEM STATEMENT To be effective in meeting St. Anthony’s mission, the organization needs a healthy workforce to be able to provide essential services to the community. GOAL INTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES St. Anthony’s will create a healthy workforce by offering activities and services that promote staff well-being to enhance staff’s health, employee satisfaction, and organizational effectiveness. Empower RESOURCES ACTIVITIES OUTPUTS Community building-focused programming Personal / professional development-focused programming Organizational values-focused programming Mental / Physical health-focused programming Staff Participation Space Staff Community partnerships SHORT-TERM OUTCOMES Educate RATIONALE ASSUMPTIONS Wellness programs increase employee morale and workplace satisfaction. Higher employee morale results in a more productive workforce. Social service organizations need to address and minimize workplace burnout and vicarious trauma that can affect employee morale and performance. By offering a variety of programming, staff will have many options to participate in activities, services, and resources provided by the organization that support employee well-being. Staff will have the resources necessary to complete their work. Staff will feel safe while at work.