Promoting Biodiversity Conservation at PPLS through Pride Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) “Strengthening MPA Management through Local Communities”
RARE PRIDE Campaign The Philippines in the Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
- Proclaimed in Oct. 6,2003 through Pres Proclamation 484 Penablanca Protected Landscape and Seascapes (PPLS) - Proclaimed in Oct. 6,2003 through Pres Proclamation 484 - area is 103,801.07 hectares and 14,980.51 hectares water. - Covers 18 brgys of Penablanca NORTHERN SIERRA MADRE NATURAL PARK C A G A Y A N P R O V I N C E I S A B E L A P R O V I N C E Sta. Marina Baguio Point PPLS Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
BIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF PPLS Recent biological surveys conducted by Conservation International Philippines and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) initially recorded 280 species of plants. This includes trees, flowering plants, shrubs, lianas, vines, and orchids. Among the 280, more or less 16 are threatened species. Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
Taxa Record Amphibians 12 (represented by 2 families of frogs) Recorded Number of Faunal species in PPLS Taxa Record Amphibians 12 (represented by 2 families of frogs) Reptiles 10 (4 families of lizards and snakes Mammals 24 Birds 131 Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Priority Program (PBCPP) identified PPLS as one of high conservation priority areas in the Philippines.
Mt Cetaceo - 1992 Sitio Bayan- 1997 Awang Cove- 1998 Confirmed sightings of Philippine Eagle PPLS Mt Cetaceo - 1992 Sitio Bayan- 1997 Awang Cove- 1998 Dapag, Luwak - 2002 Camp Hamot- 2005 Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
Confirmed sighting of FLYING FOX – 2004 Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
ECOTOURISM VALUE Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
HOME TO THE IP’S IN THE COASTAL SIDE OF PPLS Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
ARCHEOLOGICAL FEATURES OF PPLS PPLS has caves with archeological value. These are believed to be 250,000 years old. Some of them are: Arku Cave Rabel Cave Lattu-lattu Cave Laurente Cave Musang Cave Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
IMPORTANT ECOSYSTEMS WITHIN THE PPLS Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
Why a Pride Campaign? Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
2001 Fragmentation of the Penablanca Protected Landscape and Seascape is about 167 ha per Year between 1990 to 2002 Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
Why a Pride Campaign? Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
The Pride Campaign GOAL: To protect and conserve the biological resources of Peñablanca Protected Landscape and Seascape (PPLS) for the beneficial use of the present and future generations. Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
USE of Mass Marketing Methods to Change Behaviour Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
Assist communities adopt sustainable agro-forestry techniques Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
Increase their involvement through education and participation in protecting and monitoring illegal activities inside the PA Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
RESULTS of SURVEYS Measure Knowledge and Behavioural changes Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
Strengths of RARE Pride Methodology 1. Adoptive 2. Equipped and Funded 3. Scientific 4. Updated 5. Participative Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
Challenges 1. Negative Image of the DENR 2. Organization Politics 3. Lack of Political will to adopt changes 4. Lack of Alternative Livelihood for the local community Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)
Mabbalo! SALAMAT PO! Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov)