Database Readiness Workshop Intro & Goals Dirk Duellmann, CERN IT & LCG
LCG Database Deployment Plan After last workshop a database deployment plan has been presented to LCG GDB and MB Two production phases March - Sept ‘06 : partial production service Production service (parallel to existing testbed) H/W requirements defined by experiments/projects Based on Oracle 10gR2 Subset of LCG tier 1 sites: ASCC, CERN, BNL, CNAF, GridKA, IN2P3, RAL Sept ‘06- onwards : full production service Adjusted h/w requirements (defined at summer ‘06 workshop) Other tier 1 sites joined in: PIC, NIKHEF, NDG, TRIUMF Database Readiness Workshop - Intro & Goals Dirk Duellmann
LCG Application s/w Status COOL and POOL have released versions based on CORAL Includes re-try and failover required for reliable db service use These features need be tested for experiment POOL includes production version FroNTier plug-in Control of SQUID caching may still be required to implement more realistic caching policies These releases (or bug fixes) are target for 2006 deployment LCG s/w expected to be stable by end of February for distributed deployment as part of SC4 or experiment challenges Caveats: COOL still has important functionality items on the development plan for this year Conditions schema stability will need careful planning for COOL and FroNTier Database Readiness Workshop - Intro & Goals Dirk Duellmann
Coming up during the year Discussion with BARC and LFC team on LFC based implementation of a database lookup service Work plan proposal aiming at a working prototype by end of April Until summer: xml based catalogs for resolution of logical database connections Security and LCG certificate integration No real progress in this area - asked Oracle to confirm their support for proxy certificates Need working solution (or fallback) by summer! Database Readiness Workshop - Intro & Goals Dirk Duellmann
This workshop Readiness of the production services at T0/T1 status reports from tier 0 and tier 1 sites technical problems with the proposed setup (RAC clusters)? open questions from sites to experiments? Readiness of experiment (and grid) database applications Application list, code release, data model and deployment schedule Successful validation at T0 and (if required T1)? Any new deployment problems seen by experiment users which need a service change Define site/experiment milestones for database project plan (Re-)align with other work plans - eg experiment challenges, SC4 Report will be given to pre-CHEP workshop Database Readiness Workshop - Intro & Goals Dirk Duellmann
Workshop Scope Define LCG Database service at Tier 0 and Tier 1 H/w and s/w setup at both tiers Data replication/distribution techniques between tiers and database users (streams and frontier) Not all projects and sites will be represented today Grid Middleware and Castor Will present plans during upcoming pre-CHEP workshop LFC, FTS, VOMS - LFC and VOMS replication plans? Castor - local site services ASCC Clash with local vacation period, need to strengthen contact Database Readiness Workshop - Intro & Goals Dirk Duellmann
Application Deployment Tests & Conclusions Still quite a few tests are ongoing Online -> Offline -> Tier 1 Service and access pattern validation tests will need to continue Eg after requirement, software or service changes Should keep the 3D test bed setup available Can we conclude on “replication technology tests”? Propose to prepare Streams and FroNTier write-up Will ask for input from people responsible for tests Proposed target for completion: summer workshop Database Readiness Workshop - Intro & Goals Dirk Duellmann